Can You Write a Blog Post in ChatGPT by OpenAI?

Yes in 10 seconds

Evan Hundhausen
3 min readDec 16, 2022

-- 2022.
Photo by 2022.

So, yeah…

I asked ChatGPT to write me a blog post about, “The Best Headphones of 2023.”

I wanted to put some affiliate links from Amazon in my blog post and thought what could be cooler than letting AI write me a post, since I’m big on promoting my GoshDarnBlog, lately.

What happened was…

I was watching some young man, who speaks English as a second language, on YouTube and he was already doing this with scripts for YouTube vids.

The money he was talking about sounded really good, too, like close to earning 20k a month for YouTube videos written and created all by AI without him thinking up one word himself.

So, yeah…

I asked ChatGPT to write about headphones and it gave me back a very long and technical introduction.

The ChatCPT did not show me any headphone brands I could link in the post, either, like it…

