Escape: A Book About A Brave Woman and Strange Cult

Reffi Dhinar
Gossiping Book
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2019

Shocking me and giving a deep insight

“I realized that for the first time I was embarrassed to be a woman. I knew that I lived in a culture where a baby girl was of less value to her parents than a baby boy. But I’d never thought of myself as ‘less than’. “ (Page 64).

This autobiography is written based on the author’s real-life story. Carolyn Jessop was born and raised in the exclusive cult named Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS), one of the most secretive religious groups in the United States.

Through this book, I am shocked by the abusing case and how kids and women are so sad to get unfair actions from their parents or men. In FLDS, man has the most notable position than a woman. Woman is just like a servant. Their prophet said if a man has the power from God. A man can marry more than 10 women if he likes and a woman is prohibited to use birth control. Parents can slap, hit or torturing their kids in the sake of discipline.

Carolyn experienced an arranged marriage when she was only 18 years old. She was forced to marry a 50 year old man which was in the same age with her father. She knew that it was her religion’s culture. But she was sure if a woman has a right to pursue their own dream besides being a wife and a mother. When she was terribly ill through her pregnancy, Carolyn finished her college degree. She read a lot of books and put a big concern in education.

After marriage, Carolyn found many facts that FLDS polygamy was very bad for woman’s psychology. Her husband had 3 wives before her and more than 10 children. The house was like a war zone. The favorite wife stole the husband’s attention and bullying the other women. They never know what is movie theatre, the happiness in Christmas Party, etc. The cult had their own rules to prevent the rebellion. But actually it was for fulfilling the men’s greediness. If a woman worked, she should give her salary to her husband. Domestic abusing and modern slavery were the main issue from FLDS.

Carolyn tried to understand while raising her 8 children. But when her husband and the FLDS society were getting more cruel and worst, she worried with her future. So she escaped from her house with her children. It was a long struggling with a tight Court’s competition with her ex-husband and how she tried to earn money and healing her PSTD (post traumatic depression). It wasn’t easy to teach her children in the new environment.

“The absolute power the FLDS had over women had been cracked. I had proved that a woman could not only flee and live on her own but also win custody of her children. It was a proud day.’’ (Page 385)

This book opened my eyes to how fanatism can destroy someone’s life. Devoting to the wrong faith — FLDS is so weird, they have their own prophet and allow to hitting women and children — can close a chance to see the diversity and beautiful world. FLDS taught about fear and spreading terror in the household.


I’m so proud and happy to the author who was brave to escape and fighting against her previous community. It gives me a brief insight to read a lot, being brave and loving passionately to my closest people. A woman can stand on her feet, education is one of the important key.

