Apple, Nike and Coca-Cola’s Copywriting tips to help you master Marketing

Patricia Botić
Published in
6 min readNov 30, 2022

Copywriting has been around for a while, and is still relevant today. Any marketing strategy must include it as a crucial component. In order to persuade your desired target audience to purchase your goods or service, marketing copywriting’s objective is to capture their attention. Storytelling, humor, and emotional appeals are a few of the methods that marketing copywriters employ to achieve this. When promoting their goods, starting new campaigns, and other activities, every business or brand must use copywriting, but few of them stand out and are held up as models.

Who are they?

Nike, Apple and Coca-cola are three legendary companies that share one common marketing trait=excellent copywriting.

You’re probably wondering how they do it. Here are some pointers you can take from them:

  1. Nail the headline

The power of words cannot be underestimated. The headline is the most important part of any copywriting piece because it can make or break your content. It can make your content go viral or remain unnoticed on a website. A good headline will capture the reader’s attention and make them want to learn more about what you have to say about the topic at hand. 5x as many people read the headline vs the rest of the page. Make your headline short, punchy and eye-catching

Apple’s “Think Different” campaign is a perfect example of how powerful headlines can be. Apple was struggling in 1997 when they launched this campaign and it has since become one of their most famous slogans and marketing campaigns ever created.

2. Don’t sell features. Sell superpowers:

The copywriter’s job is to make you want the product so much that you can’t think of living without it. The best way to do this is by telling people what they stand to gain from using your product, not what it can do. Instead of saying “our phone has a better camera than our competitors,” say “our phone makes your memories look amazing.” Apple has been doing this for a while now and it has been working for them. They don’t just sell iPhones, but they sell the idea of what an iPhone can help you become — a photographer, or a writer, or an artist. And it’s not about being better than your competitors; it’s about being different from your competitors.

3. Address their concerns:

Every customer has concerns before they buy a product. Could be price, safety, durability, or privacy. Address these concerns directly to build trust.

Nike’s campaign #justdoit addresses the concern about safety by showing people who are overcoming obstacles, and Coca-Cola’s campaign #cocacolaversus addresses the concern about price by providing free samples in different areas. These companies have found creative ways to address the main concerns of their consumers, which has helped them become more successful.

4. Make them laugh

Some people like to think. But everyone loves to laugh. Humour makes your product memorable. Don’t be afraid to stand out by mixing in a little humor.

Marketing experts know that humor has the power to make consumers laugh and like their product more than they would otherwise. The best way to use humor in marketing is by making it subtle, so that customers don’t notice it right away. When done right, it can help sell your product without being too obvious about it. Coca Cola has mastered this technique and is always on top of their game when it comes to using humor for marketing purposes.

5. Use numbers.

Be precise. Be specific. Don’t just tell them you’re better. Tell them exactly how much better you are.

The most important part of copywriting is to convince the consumer that your product is better than the competitors. The best way to do this is by using numbers. Numbers can be used to show how much better your product is when it comes to, for example, storage capacity or battery life. In marketing strategy, you need numbers to make your point. You need statistics and facts in order to convince people of what you are saying and why they should believe you.

6. De-risk the decision.

People are often hesitant before making a purchase. Overcome this hesitation by using social proof: Share success stories from other happy customers just like them.

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon in which people are influenced by the actions of others. It is a type of conformity that is especially prominent in consumer behavior. In other words, social proof is “the idea that if we see other people doing something, we’ll assume that it’s the right thing to do”. There are many ways to incorporate social proof into your marketing strategy and copywriting. The most common way is to include testimonials from satisfied customers and reviews from experts or industry leaders.

7. Write a killer call-to-action (CTA):

Great copywriting starts with persuading the reader and ends with the reader taking action. Don’t just use any generic CTA. Use a CTA that aligns with the next steps that you want the reader to take.

The best copywriting is one that persuades the reader and ends with the reader taking action. Copywriters should not just use any generic CTA but should tailor it to the audience. A great example of this is Apple. They wrote a post on how they are making it easier for people to get their iPhone repaired, which makes it easier for them to upgrade their device. The post also has a link to an online form where people can submit their request for a repair, which is a CTA. This way, Apple is not only persuading their readers but also giving them the opportunity to take action by filling out the form and getting their phone repaired.

In conclusion, copywriting is a very important marketing strategy for any company. It’s not just about the text on the website or in the ad — it’s about how consumers perceive your product and what they think of it. The more creative you are, the more likely you are to be successful in your marketing campaign. I hope this blog post has helped you understand how copywriting is an important part of marketing strategy, and how it can be used to make your product more appealing to consumers.

Author: Patricia Botić

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Patricia Botić
Writer for

Marketing specialist — occasional writer — pancake enthusiast