How to Get Investors Interested in Your Idea

Sami AZ
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2020

Funding is one of the biggest challenges that startups face. Investors can solve cash flow and capital issues, but how do you get investors interested in your idea? It’s one thing to convince people to buy a product. It’s a different story when it comes to investing. You have to sell investors not only on your idea but your capability of leading this start-up to success. Whether it’s Startup Matchmaking Platform or any other type of investors. We’ll discuss in this article how you get them interested in your idea.

How can you attract investors and get them fired up about your startup?

Build a Solid Team

When you approach investors, you are doing more than just selling a product or service; you’re also selling your team. Investors are looking for a team of talented people to get an idea of the ground. It takes a village to make a business succeed, so take the time to build up your team of co-founders.

Building a team isn’t something that should be taken lightly. Take your time and find the right people. Having the wrong co-founders will ultimately do more harm to your business than having no team at all.

The right team can mean the difference between finding investors and failing.

Pitch an ROI

Investors may be passionate about your idea, but ultimately, they’re looking to see a return on their investment. When pitching your idea to investors, make sure that you highlight what they will gain from their investment.

It’s important to focus on your business model and your idea but to make your startup stand out, you will need to give them some kind of incentive to take the chance on your idea.

Use a Startup Matchmaking Platform

A startup matchmaking program can help get your idea in front of the right people. These are investors that are already looking to put their money into a business venture.

Startup matchmaking platforms will pair you with potential investors who may be a good fit for your business model. You will still need to sell your idea, but you will ultimately save time by having access to a large network of investors.

Otherwise, you will have to seek out investors individually and convince them to jump on board.

Build Your Brand

If you want to attract investors who believe in your idea, building your brand is a great place to start. When you build your brand, you build your credibility and establish yourself as an authority in the field.

Social media and blogging are two ways to build up your brand. Through social media, you can expand your followers and educate them on your idea.

It’s a great way to gain exposure and traction while attracting potential investors.

Along with building your following on social media, you can also build up a blog with content aimed at educating and drawing in investors.

The great thing about the brand building is that it’s relatively inexpensive and will benefit your brand over the long-term. By putting in the work early on, you can begin building trust and establishing yourself as a market leader even before your product or service launches.

Content, whether on social media or blogging, is a great way to get people excited about your brand and what you’re offering. The more hype you can generate, the greater the chance of attracting investors.

Highlight Engagement and Metrics

Pitching ROI is important, but it’s also important to highlight user metrics and engagement. It’s one thing to talk about a potential return, and it’s another thing to reach that goal.

If you can demonstrate that you have user engagement and interest, that will help sell your idea to potential investors. It’s proof of demand, potential buyers, and your commitment to growing your startup. User reviews can also hold sway.

It may not be easy or even possible to drum up engagement or a userbase until you secure enough funding, but if it’s doable, it may be worthwhile.

Investors want reassurance that your business model will work and that there is a demand for your product or service.

Securing investors can be challenging for startups, but with the right tactics, you can drum up interest. A matchmaking platform can help put your startup in front of the right people, and demonstrating proof of engagement can convince investors that your startup is on the path to success.

Author: Sami Abuzarifa

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Sami AZ
Editor for

Entrepreneur — Causal writer — Currently building