001 What you up to this weekend?

Asis Patel
Got a Minute?
Published in
1 min readNov 13, 2017

It’s Friday night, everyone at the office is shutting down their laptops, Jeremy is waltzing around playing on the office ukulele, ready for the weekend like everyone else. He dances over and asks…

“Asis what you up to this weekend?”

buzzing for the weekend

I panic in my response as though I have something to hide replying with…

Me — Not much probably just see what happens…oh going to the bank after work…

Jeremy — Oh the bank, cool

As I talk Jeremy’s strumming of the ukulele slows down and eventually he puts it down where he found it. I guess I killed the vibe with my lack lustre response.

What I wanted to say…

So tonight need to get to the bank before it shuts, hand in MORE forms to “prove I’m living in Canada”, so annoying, then haircut, it’s getting a bit wild so want to get it cut before the cold hits! Afterwards probably head back hang out and watch Stranger Things, tomorrow thinking maybe chill out working on a comedy script at the moment about an awkward dating scene so want to wrap that up and really want to go watch Human Flow. Sunday have a “get my shit together day” cook lunch for the week and been looking at going to this zen class….

Way more interesting giving Jeremy more to latch onto and keep the conversation moving!

Note to self

Reply with everything you want to say, keep the conversation flowing and the ukulele playing. Why go unnoticed?

Fake names used to protect privacy 👤👀

