3 x Got To Tri sessions for race season

Got To Tri
Got To Tri Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2022

Swim : Got To Tri Lunch Swim

This is a great swim session if you are also planning to also do a run or bike later that day and still want to be fresh.

Brighton Tri Camp 2018

Warm Up (500m):

Steady swim to get you warmed up

1 x 200m

2 x 100m

2 x 50m

Main Set (1,400m):

12 x 25m — All leaving on 40 secs

1 x 200m — Fast

1 x 200m — Easy recovery

Repeat x 2

Cool Down (100m):

Focus on holding form after a tough main set

• 1 x 100 Using other strokes

Total: 2,000m

Bike Threshold Pyramid Intervals

A threshold boosting workout that is excellent for developing your ability to quickly find and maintain this key intensity.


Anytime, both in and out of season.


■ Having accurate and up to date training zones are key for this session so make sure you test for FTP regularly (recommend Bi-Monthly)

■ Pace the efforts so there’s no drop off. Power, heart rate, speed or intensity should be consistent through the session.

■ Great session to use your TT / race bike and perform the efforts in race position.

I would typically recommend this being your only one bike interval session during the week

Session guidelines

Efforts should be ridden in Zone 4. Drop resistance and gearing and look to spin in active recoveries.

Session (1hr 14mins)

Gradual warm and build (15mins):

3mins Zone 1 (recovery)

3mins Zone 2 (endurance)

3mins Zone 3 (tempo

3mins Zone 4 (threshold)

3mins Zone 1 (recovery)

Pyramid Intervals (49mins):

1min Zone 4 (threshold) / 1min Zone 1 (recovery)

2mins Zone 4 (threshold) / 2mins Zone 1 (recovery)

3mins Zone 4 (threshold) / 3mins Zone 1 (recovery)

4mins Zone 4 (threshold) / 4mins Zone 1 (recovery)

5mins Zone 4 (threshold) / 5mins Zone 1 (recovery)

4mins Zone 4 (threshold) / 4mins Zone 1 (recovery)

3mins Zone 4 (threshold) / 3mins Zone 1 (recovery)

2mins Zone 4 (threshold) / 2mins Zone 1 (recovery)

1min Zone 4 (threshold)

Cool Down — 10 mins

Time Strapped Fartleck run session

Fartlek is literally, playing around with speeds — essentially, it’s a form of unstructured speedwork. It involves a continuous run-in which periods of faster running are mixed with periods of easy- or moderate-paced running (not complete rest)

Warm Up :

10 mins warm up

Main Set :

15 secs fast / 15 easy. repeat

30 secs fast / 30 easy. repeat

45 secs fast / 45 easy, repeat

1 min fast / 1 min easy, repeat

1.30min fast / 1.30 easy, do this only once

1 min fast / 1 min easy, repeat

45 secs fast / 45 easy, repeat

30 secs fast / 30 easy. repeat

15 secs fast / 15 easy. Repeat

Cool Down:

5 mins cool down

Total: 2,000m



Got To Tri
Got To Tri Blog

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