A night with Women in Triathlon

Giant Store, St Pauls

Got To Tri
Got To Tri Blog
3 min readMar 17, 2017


The final part of the Triathlon series hosted at the Giant Store, St Pauls focused specifically on women and everything female related in the fast growing sport. The event was packed with brand representatives, triathlon enthusiasts and Pro-triathletes.

The evening proved an opportunity to explore the innovations in kit, from leading wetsuit providers blueseventy, zone 3 and Huub, to performance running specialist On Running and of course, the Liv range.

A panel discussion with a number of age-group athletes and pro-triathletes, hosted by Helen Murray was a chance to hear first hand from women who are juggling their passion with their lives, and for the audience to ask those burning questions like: how do you get it all in?

Panel discussion featuring:

  • Catherine Jameson, Pro GB Triathlete
  • Jennifer Tait, Triathlete and Kona 2016 finisher
  • Edwina Brocklesbury, GB Triathlete
  • Georgie Rutherford, Pro Triathlete
  • Heather Sellars, Pro ITU Triathlete
  • Jane Hansom, Triathlete and Director of Sponge Marketing
  • Ruth Purbrook, ITU Triathlete
  • Stef Hanson, Chief of Witsup

Hosted by Helen Murray, Assistant BBC Sports Producer & Race Force Host

Panel discussion at Women in Triathlon // 📸: TeamSponge

To complete the discussion, and with newer triathletes in mind, Helen asked each of the panellists what their ‘Top Tip’ for triathlon would be. Some great takeaways for any athlete…

Stef Hanson — Make sure you find time after sessions to chill out and recuperate. It’s important to find those extra few minutes for recovery and nutrition.

Georgie Rutherford — Keep it simple. Don’t over think, over read or compare to others. Enjoy what you’ve got.

Jennifer Tait — Appreciate what you can do, and focus on that.

Catherine Jameson — Mini goals and treats!

Heather Sellars — Consistency is key but remember to listen to your body. Think of rest as a fourth discipline!

Gillian Sanders — Get a coach. You can really get a bang for your buck from the technical aspects; improving more quickly with good technique — and don’t forget to smile and enjoy it!

Jane Hansom — You have to enjoy it. To help with the swim, I bought an underwater ipod. When a good song comes on for that final 100, it’s magic.

Ruth — Remember it’s meant to be fun! Enjoy meeting people within the sport and hearing their stories, everyone has one.

Edwina — Have fun. I love standing up to garage music at Brixton rack — which was perfect training when my saddle broke in a race with 30km to go!

Inspiring event, huge thanks to Kate Linsley & Giant Store St Pauls ✌🏻

We run triathlon training camps in Europe. Here is a peek at our recent #WomenOnly camp in Mallorca:




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