Be ready for your OW race

Open water drills to practice in the pool

Got To Tri
Got To Tri Blog
2 min readMay 18, 2017


As the triathlon season starts to take off and your ‘A race’ draws closer, it is a good time to start thinking about some open water practice. Ahead of your OW race we highly recommend that you find some time to practice in open water. However, we appreciate that traveling to and from a nearby lake or sea break can add considerable time to your training schedule.

With that in mind, we have devised a session for you to execute in the pool. Ideally this session is to be completed with a training partner or two but can be adapted for solo swims.

Warm UP

  • 100m FC EASY
  • 100m Alternating FC/Back Stroke
  • 200m with fins B3s — ‘bubble, bubble, STRETCH’ EASY



  • 4 x 50 Kick on Side up, swim back (FINS) + 5s
  • 4 x 50 6/1/6 (FINS) + 5s (6 kicks then 1 stroke, 6 kicks otherside)
  • 4 x 50 6/3/6 (FINS) + 5s


Main set

All at STEADY pace.

  • 1 x 200 + 20s rest. Drafting in pairs or 3’s
  • 1 x 200 + 20s rest. Higher effort on lengths 4 & 8
  • 1 x 200 turn on the T (no walls!) + 20s rest
  • 1 x 200 + 20s rest. Sighting twice per length
  • 1 x 200 + 20s rest. Higher effort on lengths 4 & 8
  • 1 x 200 turn on the T (no walls!) + 20s rest
  • 2 x 100 + 10s rest at race pace (8 out of 10 effort)


Total: 2,400m

Let us know how you find it in the comments below!



Got To Tri
Got To Tri Blog

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