Automatically tag customers “Inactive” and “Slipping Away”

Two new automations help you identify how engaged your customers are.

Tom Larsen
TeamUp Blog
2 min readFeb 10, 2017


Customers come and go. Some customers actively engage — they have a membership and show up to class. Others let their membership lapse and stop attending. Teamup can now automatically classify customers based on their engagement level.

The new Customer Settings page

Apply the “Inactive” tag automatically

Before, you could manually tag a customer “Inactive”. In your Customer Settings, you’ll now see the option to automatically apply the tag to customers when they don’t have an active membership and haven’t attended in a certain number of days.

Note: If you’ve been tagging customers manually, we retained your manual tags. You can switch to the new automatic criteria in your customer settings.

Retain customers using “Slipping Away”

There’s a period just before an active customer becomes inactive. Maybe the customer has doubts about continuing, or maybe they’re making a habit of not attending class. Some of these customers can be reengaged. To help you identify these customers, we added the “Slipping Away” tag for customers who are still active, but who haven’t attended in a while.

Automate messages to customers who are slipping away

We added a new Trigger (under Customers). This lets you automatically send a message to a customer when they’re tagged as “Slipping Away”.

Think of this as one more tool in your customer reengagement arsenal.

Filter customers by engagement level

Finally, the customer list got an upgrade. It’s now possible to filter your list by these new status options.

We’re excited to see how these new tools and automations improve your workflows. As always, let us know what you think!

