Class notifications got a lot smarter

Powerful automated pre and post class notifications to target the right customers at the right time.

Tom Larsen
TeamUp Blog
2 min readSep 20, 2016


Our whole team is excited to announce our new class notifications feature. We’re even more excited to see what you do with it.

Introducing Triggers

Triggers run some number of hours before or after a class starts. You can add as many triggers as you want.

Each trigger supports Actions, which, for now, are automated emails to groups of people.

For each Action, you decide

  • Audience: Attendees, Instructors, or all Staff.
  • Conditions: Based on the class’ type, the attendance status (attended, no-show), and/or how many classes the customer has attended (when emailing attendees).

Some of the many ways Triggers can be used

These are a few of the many ways businesses are using Triggers.

  • A special welcome message after a customer’s first class.
  • Milestone recognitions (100th class).
  • After class, send an email to no-shows reminding them of your no-show policy.
  • Pre-class reminders to all customers, especially when they need special instructions (directions, reminders to bring towels or water). Remember that class type is a condition filter, so you can target specific classes with these reminders.
  • Remind instructors about their upcoming sessions.

Stay tuned for many more updates to this area of the teamup in the coming months.

