Customer Referrals on TeamUp

Our newest feature lets you track and reward customer referrals

Tom Larsen
TeamUp Blog
3 min readDec 12, 2018


It had been a long time since Sally had officially “worked out.” She had had two babies since then, and three different jobs. Her body wasn’t unhealthy, she says, but it wasn’t what she wanted it to be. More than anything, she wanted her confidence back. So when she mentioned that she was looking to do something to get fit at the park to one of her friends, it was a pleasant surprise when they responded with exactly what she needed. Pilates, he said was the best starting point to get back into fitness. And he knew just the place.

Casual referrals are helpful, kind gestures. And it’s a powerful sustaining force for fitness businesses. So, TeamUp has built a way for your business to say thank you.

Happy customers bring their friends

Customer referrals are one of the best ways to grow your business. Think about it — your customer believes in what you offer so much that they want to share it with friends and family. Also, that friend who shows up for their first class has a good chance of becoming one of your best members too, because your business was recommended by someone they trust.

It’s a happy cycle that you want to encourage, track, and reward. Starting today, you can do it all on TeamUp.

Customer referrals in TeamUp

The Customer Referrals feature is included in every TeamUp business account. If you have a TeamUp account already, head to the Customer Referral Program page in your account to get started.

Here’s how it works.

Every customer has a unique referral code, found in the My Account section of your Customer Site and on the customer profile on the Business Dashboard.

Customers can enter a referral code on the Signup Form.

You can also log a referral directly on the customer profile.

Program Settings

New customer membership: On TeamUp, memberships control class pricing. This gives you an opportunity to offer the newly referred friend a free class, free week, or some other introduction to your business. You can choose “no membership” here too. This membership is applied automatically when a referral is made.

Referral reward: This allows you to reward the referrer with account credit. Account credit is flexible, and can be applied to the customer’s next purchase or membership payment.

Not all businesses will want to reward customers with account credit. For example, maybe you offer a T-shirt for referrals. In this case, you can select “Nothing” as the automatic reward type, track referrals in TeamUp, and issue your reward offline.

Confirming and tracking referrals

You probably don’t want to hand out referral credit as soon as the referral is made, or else the program might be abused. Maybe you want to award credit after the referred customer shows up to their first class, or even after they make their first purchase. To allow flexibility, TeamUp allows you to view and confirm referrals manually. You can also cancel invalid referrals.

Our goal is to help you run the best version of your business, and we’re excited for what you can do with this feature. As always, let us know what you think.

Run your best business with TeamUp

If you don’t have a TeamUp account yet, sign up for a free trial to see how this and hundreds of other features can help you run the best version of your fitness business.

