December Updates

More Triggers, add a discount to an existing membership, and lots of small improvements.

Tom Larsen
TeamUp Blog
2 min readDec 27, 2016


December was a busy month at Teamup. In addition to lots of small improvements you’ll notice around the site, we shipped two major features.

Membership Purchased Trigger

We continued our work on Triggers. Under notifications, you’ll now see When a membership is purchased. You can email the customer or your staff when memberships are purchased, upgraded, or downgraded.

The system’s flexibility allows you to create separate actions per membership type. You can now send different confirmation emails to your customers depending on the type of membership they purchase.

We’ve had great feedback so far. Look out for more Triggers in the coming weeks and months.

Add a discount to an existing membership

You can now add a discount code to a membership, even if payments have begun. The discount will apply to future invoices.

We have lots of improvements scheduled for January as well.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Teamup!

