November updates

Improved upcoming payments, class schedule editing, and store order delivery confirmation.

Tom Larsen
TeamUp Blog
2 min readDec 1, 2016


Find and edit upcoming payments

We made it easier to understand your upcoming billing. The Upcoming Billing page can now be filtered by membership type, customer, payment status, payment date, and payment processor.

Upcoming Billing filters

You can now quickly see all bank transfer payments scheduled for December for your “Unlimited” membership. Or, more importantly, all credit card payments that haven’t been processed successfully because they’ve been declined.

From the payments list, you can quickly edit any payment without leaving the page.

Editing an upcoming payment

When you update an amount, all taxes, fees, and discounts will update automatically.

Edit class schedules

We sometimes get customer requests like

I want to increase the size of all 9:00 classes.


How do I change the venue on all Monday classes?

You’ll now see a Bulk Edit option on your class schedule detail pages. This new bulk edit option lets you edit multiple class time slots at once. You can select which slots to edit using filters. For example, edit all weekly slots at a particular venue, at a particular time, or on a particular day.

Once you’ve selected the slots to edit, you can make your desired changes.

Confirm store order item delivery from class pages

This is the first step of many improvements we’ve planned for class management pages.

Class time is when you interact with your customers. If they’ve ordered an item from your merchandise store, class time is the perfect opportunity for the customer to collect their items.

Your class lists now show open store orders with the option to confirm delivery and/or payment for those items.

Stay tuned for many more changes to the class attendance roster.

