Teamup Interviews: Ricky Berry

Owner of rb5 Personal Training in Nottingham

Tim Green
TeamUp Blog
3 min readNov 25, 2016


Teamup: How did you get into Personal Training?

Ricky: I started young, working in a leisure centre and simply loved the fitness side of things. I took a 4 year gap to join the army and after that I completed my personal trainer qualification. I then worked through Virgin Axis and ultimately set up my own studio after becoming a master trainer there.

Teamup: Tell me about your studio?

Ricky: It’s a 2,500 square foot studio that caters for 90 clients and 4 members of staff (three trainers and an office manager). Our standard client is the ‘average Joe’ who wants to get super ripped! We are based in Nottingham.

Teamup: What packaged do you offer?

Ricky: We offer a variety of packages. Our top one is the one-to-one personal training package, although the most popular one is the Semi-Private option. Here clients train with around 3 others and one trainer. It is still personalised training, just at a much more affordable level. Then we have the Bootcamp membership option below that, which could be anything from two sessions a week to unlimited sessions. Pricing wise, it depends on the package you choose. Group rates start at £43, while one-on-one training starts at £199 a month.

Teamup: How did you find Teamup?

Ricky: We started with a different software solution that was based in the US. To be honest I never got settled with it, and it didn’t seem to offer the customer services I wanted it to. There was always a limit. This is why we switched to Teamup. It lets me do so much more, everything I wanted and so many things I never realised! The financial reporting makes your life easier and members love it because they can book the classes easily through it and most importantly of all you can keep track of both old and new clients.

Teamup: How was the switch over to Teamup?

Ricky: It really wasn’t a problem, as Teamup enabled us to go straight over in terms of moving contacts and details and the customer support was incredible.

Teamup: What do you say to other gym owners who are keen to make the switch to Teamup?

Ricky: The GoCardless process they offer is a really cheap and affordable way of handing payments which makes our life a lot easier then other providers. The best thing is it all works off one system, so everything runs smoothly. Plus it is UK based, so accessing the support centre and getting help is so much easier! The support is really phenomenal! They help you with everything and really respond to any issues or problems you have. So in terms of the customer service it is amazing! And I would highly recommend any gym owner or personal trainer switch.

Teamup: Thanks Ricky for giving us great insight into your business and how Teamup is helping you!

