🎉 The TeamUp Members App 🎉

Matt Pegler
TeamUp Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 3, 2019
TeamUp Members for iOS

We’re thrilled to announce our iOS and Android apps!

These apps have been a labor of love and have been in the making for a while. In late 2018 we started with interviews with our customer support team, business owners, and customers to learn what was most important. It was immediately clear most people wanted an app to manage their day-to-day tasks, like booking tomorrow’s class or claiming a waitlist spot. Even with that narrow use case in mind this still covered a lot of functionality. Let’s walk through what you can do with the app.

But first, I want to make clear that these apps are for customers only. Business owners and staff members cannot use these apps to manage classes or attendances; instead please continue using the website.


Browsing classes

Everything starts with the class schedule. Here customers can browse classes and courses, filter by class type or instructor, or easily jump to a particular day.

Registering for classes, filling out forms, signing waivers, and buying memberships

On a class’ details page, customers can see the class’ description, instructors, venue, number of attendees, and most importantly, how to register.

If the customer has a membership that lets them register for free, they can register with one tap. If they have more than one membership, they’ll be able to choose which to use.

If the customer doesn’t have a membership that allows them to register, they’ll be able to seamlessly purchase it from the app.

Finally, the app has full support for forms and waivers so you can collect previous experience or ensure emergency contact details are up to date easily. Customers will be prompted to fill out the form or waiver before registering for a class when needed.

Attendances and memberships

Customers can easily view their upcoming and past attendances, as well as their membership status, right from the app.

Push notifications

Customers can choose to receive push notifications about waitlist updates, like when their spot is reserved or if they were automatically registered for a class from the waitlist.


For those businesses using our course functionality, customers will see class sessions alongside regular classes. Customers will be able to see their registrations and easily register or update their sessions from the app.

Family support

The TeamUp Members app has full support for families so customers can manage their children’s attendances from one app.


There are a few things not supported yet and we’re working on bringing more functionality to the app in the coming months. As of right now:

  • Customers must first sign up using the website
  • Customers cannot update their login or profile details
  • Customers cannot buy memberships separately from registering for classes
  • Paid drop-ins are not supported

All of these are still possible from the website.

How to get the app

We’ve been trialing the app with a small group of businesses for the past couple months and we’ve been blown away with the response. Here’s some of what people have said so far:

New app is great, very quick and easy to use!

Love this app. Seems good so far! 😁


This app is great really easy to use! Fabulous state of the art!

The apps are available for iOS and Android. Your customers will be prompted to download the app as they browse your Customer Site in the coming weeks.

By the way, a few of your customers may have stumbled across the app recently. We “soft launched” the app a couple months ago where we made the app available but did not promote it. We did this so that there was only a limited number of customers using the app so that we could collect feedback and address any issues. We’re glad we did because we were able to squash bugs and tweak functionality before too many people were using it. We’re very confident in the app now and we’re excited to see more people using it!

Let us know what your customers think of the app using the support widget in your account.

