Two New Email Automations

Late cancel and pre/post course session emails

Tom Larsen
TeamUp Blog
2 min readMar 21, 2017


Email customers who Late Cancelled

It’s important to have a Late Cancellation policy. Without one, there’s little to deter customers from cancelling registrations minutes before class starts. Teamup has always supported defining Late Cancellation policies (you can even have a different policy for each class type).

It’s also important to communicate with customers about the policy. This necessary protection for you results in a lost class for the customer, and that can sting. It can be helpful to remind customers why the policy exists, and to remind them to cancel classes well in advance to avoid this in the future.

Class notifications now support sending messages to customers who late cancelled. As with any post-class notification, you can schedule this email for any number of hours after the class begins.

Pre/Post Course Session Emails

We also added pre and post course session emails. These mirror the existing pre and post class emails.

By default, these run before and after each session of the course. Conditions support some common special use cases.

First Session: Using this condition, you can send an email before the first session of the course. This is useful to communicate one-time information customers need before the course.

Dropping in: Using this condition, you can target customers who are dropping into a particular session without registering for the entire course.

Please keep sending feedback on how these features are helping you communicate with your customers.

