Platform for working with targeted startups

GoTech Innovation
GoTech Innovation
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2021

In 2020, the GoTech Innovation team released an updated version of the TechScout platform for working with the startup base. The platform allows accepting applications, storing data and organizing mass evaluation by experts using customizable filters. TechScout is used in all programs we make for corporate clients.

Applications for Retail Innovation Tech Alliance, Kaspersky Exploring Russia accelerator program, Cyber Security for Small and Medium Business program by Kaspersky Lab, Finlanding program were collected by using the TechScout platform.

Let’s talk a little more about the features and benefits of TechScout. For convenience, we will divide the process of working with the platform into main stages. We’d like to note that both the TechScout platform interface and the applications from companies are implemented in 2 languages ​​- Russian and English.

1. Creating a program page

We have specially developed the simplest possible designer of landing pages so that anyone can easily create and design a personal page for their program. By a program, we mean a corporate accelerator, start-up competition, hackathon or other activity where applications are expected to be collected. The landing page is formed from blocks that can contain text and / or images. The user chooses the types of blocks, their number and sequence. For a minimal page design, you need to upload the program cover and logo, indicate the title and short description, as well as the deadline for accepting applications. Thus, creating a program page does not require any special skills and takes about 10–15 minutes . As a result, you will have a full-fledged page with a simple interface, which can be used instead of a separate site (this is how colleagues from Finlanding implemented their program).

2. Creation of the application form

When the program page is ready, you can start forming a questionnaire for participants. A constructor is also provided for the questionnaire, which offers a choice of a wide range of question types (text with the ability to limit the number of characters, special fields for email, phone numbers and links with checking the correctness of filling, the ability to select one or several of the proposed options, upload files, make an answer to a specific question mandatory, etc.). The constructor allows you to set the hint text in the field for filling in the question, above or below the field for the answer. Thus, the administrator can make the profile as clear as possible for users. To embed a profile on your website, you just need to generate the widget code and add your company’s corporate colors. The finished questionnaire will not contain the TechScout link/logo, it will be I line with your main site design, but all applications will be available in the admin panel on the platform.

3. Compliance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 №152-FZ “On Personal Data”

TechScout platform is designed in full compliance with federal legislation on personal data. Therefore, companies that use the platform’s functions to collect applications, including personal data of representatives of technology startups, can be sure of complete legal security of all processes.

4. Applications collection

On the designated date, the questionnaire will become active for filling out by participants. The platform allows you to customize the text of the notification that will be sent to applicants’ emails. During the application period, participants can log into their TechScout account to edit or extend submitted applications. At the same time, the program administrator will receive notifications about all new applications if he adds his email address in the profile constructor.

5. Expert evaluation of applications

The evaluation can be carried out in several stages. For example, you can assign the evaluation of the longlist of applications to one list of experts, determine the shortlist based on the results and send it to other experts for evaluation. The platform allows you to set the criteria for the assessment, their description and the range of assessment. Adding experts to the platform is also a simple and quick process: to send letters of invitation with instructions, you just need to enter the expert’s name and email into the system. The program administrator can at any time check the process of evaluating applications at each stage of voting. The platform also provides a convenient system for commenting applications for experts and administrators.

6. Database formation

At the moment, all received applications are accumulated and stored within a specific program and are available for filtering in the platform. If necessary, the data can be exported to Excel with or without expert ratings and comments.

Our team continues to work on improving the TechScout platform. And now we can say that this is a really irreplaceable tool for working with the pipeline of applications. We will be glad to receive questions, comments from you, learn about the tasks and possibly modify the functionality so that the platform meets all your needs and requirements.

To get access to the demo version of TechScout, leave a request on the website (“Request a demo” button) or send an email to

