How to fix the tech industry in one simple step.

Katie Notopoulos
Goth things
Published in
8 min readOct 9, 2014

It was Monday, of course.

Garfield awoke from a deep sleep with a bad feeling in his chest, just like every other Monday. “Ugh, not again” said Garfield with a frown, struggling to get out of bed. But today did have one silver lining as Jon was away, leaving only Garfield and Odie in the house, so the fat cat could do whatever he wanted just for today.

“Wow, think of all the lasagne I could eat” thought Garfield “or how much torture I could put Odie through”.

Eventually Garfield decided to stay at home; at least he had food and entertainment here, and slowly made his way down the stairs.

Going into the kitchen, Garfield saw that Jon had left the lasagne cupboard unlocked, “hehe” Garfield laughed “guess I know what I’m doing today.”

But out of the corner of his eye, the cat saw Odie walking slowly towards him with a strange smile on his face.

“Odie? What are you so happy about?” said Garfield as he turned around, becoming slightly unnerved by the dog’s sinister smile as he walked towards him.

The dog didn’t respond, he couldn’t, but in his mind he was thinking about all the times Garfield had kicked and abused him. All that pain had built up over the years, but now it was the dog’s turn for some fun…

Before Garfield could say another word the dog tensed his legs, licking his lips one last tauntingly slow time, and pounced on his prey. The two rolled around as the cat tried to throw Odie off, begging and screaming the whole time, but the dog was too strong for him. A big tongue came out and licked Garfield but instead of filling the cat with annoyance this time it filled him with disgust and fear, “No, please Odie” he tried to plead as the dog smacked his lips “I’ll be better next time, I promise!”

But it was too late, all the years of being hurt and abused had worn Odie down and now all he could think about was swallowing the cat whole and feeling him slowly waste away inside him. With a final lick and growl, Odie opened his jaws and prepared to turn his fat friend into a delicious snack.

Garfield looked in horror as the dog’s jaws parted, giving Garfield and a great view of his pulsating throat, and went over his head. The cat kicked and struggled as the dog’s saliva dripped all over his head, his ears were filled with the sounds of swallowing and sucking as the dog tasted his plump body.

Garfield suddenly regretted all his years of overeating, if he wasn’t so fat maybe Odie wouldn’t have thought about eating him. The dog certainly seemed to like his taste judging from the disgusting moans and “mmmm” sounds coming from all around him, which just served to sicken Garfield even more.

“No, this can’t be it!” said the cat as he fought even harder, being pulled further and further towards the stomach with every swallow the dog made. Garfield tried kicking his legs against Odie’s throat, in response the dog started biting down on Garfield’s thick stomach, sending hot pain through the cat’s body. “n-no, stop” Garfield whispered, which the dog seemed to hear as he did stop, but with another swallow the cat’s feet were pulled into the dog’s moist maw and with a final GULP Garfield was gone forever, food for a voracious canine.

He slid down the muscular oesophagus with a struggle, the cat was almost too fat for Odie to swallow whole but with a few more swallows and coughs the dog succeeded in bolting down the biggest meal he had ever eaten. The fat feline was deposited into the fleshy stomach, all ready to be melted down and digested like all the other pieces of meat the dog had eaten before him.

“Please Odie” Garfield begged again, trying to crawl back up the throat “Jon will be back soon.” But deep down the cat knew this wasn’t true, and the dog knew it as well, their owner had left for the week and wouldn’t be back until next Monday. By which time Garfield would be completely broken down by the dog’s digestive system and deposited in the back garden in a whole new form.

Odie picked his teeth with a sharp claw as he listened to the pleas inside his fat belly, lightly rubbing his bulging organ he could feel the cat struggling and wriggling underneath his skin as the digestive acids worked hard to melt him down. This whole situation had made him feel more pleasure than ever before, and he desperately wanted more…

But as Odie rubbed his bloated stomach, still wriggling with meat, a fox was watching him from outside the house. The animal had been waiting for a chance to eat the cat, but now the dog was looking like an even better meal…

He swiftly moved around the house and squeezed through an open window, dropping into the sitting room he sniffed around.

His meal was just in the next room, all ready to be eaten whole…

The fox put his muzzle in the air and sniffed in deeply, the house smelt like heaven to the meat eater because of all the animals, but one scent stood out. The dog in the next room smelled like his feline dinner but he still had the tasty scent of dog that the predatory Fox loved.

“Time to eat” the fox thought to himself as he moved around the corner, getting a good look at his dinner-to-be. Drool dripped down his chin as he stared at the fat dog, still unaware of his presence; he could see the animal’s previous meal wriggling around inside him. “Hmm, I’d nearly take this one on as my apprentice if I wasn’t so hungry” chuckled the fox as he moved closer, his feet moving like silk on the wooden floor.

Odie, who was almost asleep at this point, felt the animal staring deeply at him and quickly rolled around to see who it was. His eyes bulged in terror as he realised he was staring down the muzzle of a drooling fox, and he was so full he could barely move.

“Well, you’re just in time for dinner” the predator laughed.

The fox moved slowly around Odie, licking his sharp teeth as he went, while the dog tried desperately to move his fat body. “I wouldn’t even try if I were you” the fox said “with a stomach like that you won’t be moving for a long time, at least not in the direction you want to go.”

The fox moved closer and licked Odie’s stomach, smacking his lips together just like the dog had when he ate Garfield. “Mmm, tasty” the predator said “I’m going to enjoy eating you.” All Odie could do was staring in fear at the fearsome carnivore licking him, now he knew how Garfield had felt…

“That was a nice meal you had there” the fox said “I wanted him all for myself, but you’ll do just fine.”

The fox slowly opened his muzzle, showing Odie exactly what Garfield had seen just ten minute earlier, as he prepared to eat his meal. Hot, smelly breath pushed past the dog as he stared deep into the throat with fear, still struggling to comprehend what was going on.

The fox’s long tongue coiled outwards and licked Odie’s face for the second time, spreading his delicious doggy flavour around the predator’s mouth. “Mmm, how delicious” the fox squealed with an almost childlike glee, his anticipation for the meal sickening Odie.

Seeing the dog’s glares the fox decided to have some more fun, putting his ear to the dog’s belly he got an earful of Odie’s belly bubbling and gurgling as it digested Garfield. “Can you hear that?” he asked “that’ll be you in a few minutes, slowly wasting and melting away inside of me.” He finished talking and stared at the shaking dog, which was looking at him with adorable pleading eyes that said “please don’t eat me.”

As much fun as he was having playing with his food the fox needed to eat, so with a final lick and wink he opened his maw for the second time and enveloped the petrified dog’s head.

Odie’s vision was quickly filled with darkness as the fox started devouring him, his nose twitching as the fox’s smelly breath pushed past him. The breath smelt like all the animals he had eaten before, Odie could smell hints of rabbit and cat but soon his scent would be added to the mix…

On the outside, the fox gnawed on Odie’s soft body as he swallowed one more time, the delicious dog’s flavour filling his mouth. He didn’t usually eat dogs, cats were more of his thing, but this one was just delectable! His delicious flavour, his tantalizing scent and his cat filled belly all combined together to form an intensely pleasing meal for the hungry fox.

The dog, on the other hand, wasn’t enjoying the experience as much as his captor was. Every instinct in his body was screaming at him to escape the moist maw of the fox, but no matter how hard he kicked or trashed he couldn’t dislodge himself from the fleshy jaws. Sharp teeth jutted into his stomach as the fox chewed on him, every swallow pulling him further and further towards his demise…

Meanwhile, the fox had stopped for a moment to contemplate and suckle on his dinner. This dog had been one of the fattest, tastiest, most filling meals he had ever eaten but it was time to bring it to an end. With a final lick across the dog’s rump the fox swallowed again, sending Odie down to his waiting belly.

Odie slid downwards into the stomach, the most hotness hitting him almost instantly as the stomach started to work on him. The struggles in his stomach had stopped just before the fox ate him; the cat had finally succumbed to digestion just like Odie would unless he escaped. Wiping the burning acid from his eyes the dog searched desperately for an escape route, but all he could see was a hot blackness as the stomach walls converged around him.

There had to be a way out…

The fox smacked his lips together one last time for the last remnants of Odie’s flavour, the dog in question was struggling and wriggling in his belly. “Try all you want doggy, you won’t be getting out for a good while” he laughed and prepared to leave the house, his belly full and bubbling happily.


Jon jumped out of the cab with a spring in his step, he’d been at the spa all week and now he was ready for whatever life would throw at him.

He almost danced up the garden towards his house; before realising that he had left a window open all week. “Oh well” he thought “what’s the worst that can happen?”

As Jon walked into the kitchen he was surprised to see that neither Odie nor Garfield was there, that was unusual.

“Garfield? Odie? I have lasagne” he shouted, expecting to see Garfield run down the stairs.

“Guess they must have gone into town or something” thought Jon as he closed the open window. He looked out the window and saw a strange sight.

It was a fox, a fat one at that.

The animal was sitting on his front lawn licking its lips, almost like it was trying to tell him something.

“What a strange animal” said Jon, as the fox ran down the street and disappeared from his vision.



Katie Notopoulos
Goth things

Senior Editor at @BuzzFeed. Say what you will about Diaper (the lifestyle), but I'm chillen with my 2000 pt army of Chaos Space Marine Ownage, and I Wear.