What do you call a male follower?

Katie Notopoulos
Goth things


If a female follower is a “fefo”, then what is a male follower? I usually say “mefo”, but I’ve heard some people say “mafo”.

I don’t really know which is better. I like the sound of “mefo” better, but “mafo” I guess makes more sense (you know, it’s male+follower).

Which is more important, the sort of poetry of swapping M for F and keeping the same rhyme of the word? Or the more literal translation?

Life is full of so many questions.



Katie Notopoulos
Goth things

Senior Editor at @BuzzFeed. Say what you will about Diaper (the lifestyle), but I'm chillen with my 2000 pt army of Chaos Space Marine Ownage, and I Wear.