Hero In Waiting

Gotham Writers Write-In — 1/14/22

Vanessa Fleming
Gotham Writers Collection


I used the entirety of this particular write-in to write a continuing story with the two prompts. The first part of this story and its prompt are here.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

“Oh but doctor, it can’t be so bad,” Ms. Williams bellowed out with her charismatic charm. “Even if it is so bad, it isn’t so bad for you. I sought you out because you are the best.”

Dr. McLaughlin shifted in his seat, feeling discomfort run down his spine with the pedestal she was lifting him upon. Yes, he was great, there was no question in his mind about that. But this hero in waiting status she was expecting him to be was almost too much for him to bear.

“I can’t help you, Ms. Williams,” he said sternly. It came off gruff, almost mean. She flashed that toothy grin and threw her head back as she clapped her hands. That infectious laugh that made the darkest of days shine a little sun came roaring from her chest. Dr. McLaughlin was starting to get truly pissed.

“Oh doctor, you’re a funny man. You really should look into doing comedy in your next career, yeah? But not before you give up this one. Not before you save my life.”

McLaughlin was astonished at her absolute refusal to accept that Ms. Williams’s condition was far beyond his expertise. Far beyond anyone’s expertise. A tumor…



Vanessa Fleming
Gotham Writers Collection

A mixture of short stories created from prompts (@gothamwriterscollection) and stories to highlight women’s health advocacy (@thekindredchampion).