To a construction and appreciation of our Integral Heritage

It is interesting and necessary to consider first which are the components and what covers the Integral Heritage.

Gabriela Plazas
3 min readNov 6, 2016


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Integral Heritage is a whole, harmonious and inseparable, consisting of cultural products and the natural environment or context that contains and qualified, which men have created a community or country, its history and its territory. It is the man with his ideas and creations in the surrounding environment, through the built in the past, present and future. This exploration in the current reality helps us to become aware of what is our integral heritage and the need to preserve, restore and preserve as well as the importance of promulgate and make responsible social use. It also allows us as individuals ask ourselves what is my integral heritage, go to our community and look for items with which we identify.

The concepts of Nature, Culture, Heritage, Memory and Identity are related as a harmonious and inseparable Whole. Nature is the environment in which man develops and is modified by him, at the same time the Culture is the product of these changes on the nature (ideas that are made manifest by our actions and artifacts created to adapt to that environment in that we live).

The Heritage encompasses natural manifestations, cultural, movable property, invisible assets, immovable, tangible and intangible of the culture of a society. That is why the Integral Heritage is comprised by the Natural Heritage and Cultural Heritage.

Regarding to the memory and identity both go hand in hand. The human being is identified with a region when developing a sense of ownership over time and space. When we remember, we reminisced and transmit, we maintain that identity over time. Memory is constructed, it is transformed through it.

The man lives in nature, it adapted to survive, he is identified with the region and creates memory over time and space. Build an Integral Heritage constituted by the Natural Heritage and the Cultural Heritage that creates to suit the nature that surrounds it.

What is the role of history? The story is a tool that should enable us to learn from our past, events and phenomena that marked us as a society. It is the storytelling of past events. How can we study the past in the present? Through objects of the past. From there the importance as a people to preserve and conserve our Integral Heritage.

We say that history is the linchpin of this relationship because culture is a product of history, located in a space / time context and conditions the past-present-future interaction while identity is the social consequence of the identification of a society with its historical social development. Build on our past, in the present and in the future they will continue to do it the new generations. Where is the heritage left? Heritage is the evidence of our link with the past and that is why it is so important his conservation, restoration and preservation.

As a final thought I would be to say that nature can live without us but we can not live without it, so we adapt to it and build culture. I think as a society the knowledge of our cultural and natural history is part of a process of formation of conscience of a community or country that should be included in the formation of our education from elementary school.

We must preserve our Integral Heritage that identifies us as a community, to continue generating identification and transmitting memory and the question of to whom should we preserve it: we must do it for new generations in the hope of having a quality social future, with conscious of where it comes to build where it goes with the greatest possible number of tools and knowledge. A people without memory and identity lacks past and future.



Gabriela Plazas

Heritage Curator | Film Restaurateur | Member of @IcomOfficiel | Partner of @gotikaimaging