2018 Year in Review | Thank you for your support! 🙏

#buidl, traction, revenue and more #buidl. That’s how awesome 2018 has been for us and we couldn’t have been more thankful. From announcing GovBlocks in 2017 to launching three versions in 2018, it’s been such a roller coaster ride. Super excited to share the year in review! Read along ;)

Kartic Rakhra
3 min readDec 28, 2018


🔥 Major strides with GovBlocks

  • DAO Governance toolkit (v0.5) launched in March 2018
  • First Technology Audit successfully conducted in October 2018
  • Data Exchange Framework (DEF) using GovBlocks launched in August 2018
  • Certificate Issuing Platform (Certy) using GovBlocks launched in December 2018

Can’t wait to share more info on the DEF & Certy initiatives in the company! Stay tuned, big news on the way ;)

🏆 Another Hackathon Win, this time in our heartland

Our GovBlocks-powered DEF grabbed the 1st prize at Chhattisgarh Blockchain Grand Challenge. A proud addition to our trophy cabinet ;) along with some $$ in the bank!

✈️ Team Travel

We traveled 10 cities in 5 countries meeting our friends in Blockchain, Government, Non-Profits & Enterprises. Token Summit, in New York, was by far the best event we attended this year! Here’s the pitch video :)

😏 Gartner covered GovBlocks & Somish

Yes, that’s right! Got super pumped when David Furlonger, VP & fellow at Gartner, covered GovBlocks and Somish while emphasizing the importance of governance and decision making in the decentralized world.

David Furlonger talking about Somish and GovBlocks at the Gartner Symposium

Community Spotlight

Our community grew, completely organically, since March with over 600 members joining the discussions on Telegram and over 5000 members subscribing to our email list.

Shout out to Divij, Mayank, Victor & Greg for being our most active community members!

🏃 Actively Hiring

We did a 2x to our revenue from 2017 and our family grew to 25 members in Delhi and London… and we’re actively hiring! *wink wink*. Openings being updated here. Give us a shout with your favorite GIF! Here’s ours for the holiday season ;)

🎆Happy New Year!!

A big thanks to you for being a part of our bumpy, jumpy, successful and fulfilling journey in 2018, what a year this has been. Warm wishes from the entire team for a very happy new year!!

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