April ’18 — Progress Update

A live public demo, developer outreach and… the Govt of Maharashtra?!

Kartic Rakhra
3 min readMay 2, 2018


GovBlocks v0.5 is up on Kovan!

Head over to this link to play around with the GovBlocks alpha. We’re eager for your feedback so feel free to bash us, praise us or simply point out flaws that need to be worked on!

Telegram is where we are most easily accessible. Do not miss out on all the interesting discussions and become a part of the community now!

TGV Developer Meetup

Mumbai is where we kicked off April from. True Global Ventures invited us to their developer meetup to present GovBlocks to their community, along with Bluzelle and CanYa. It was our first time pitching to the dev community which resulted in some interesting conversations being initiated! Shout out to Dusan Stojanovic for the invitation :)

Interactions with RSK

From L to R: Ish (GovBlocks), Diego (RSK), Stefanie (GovBlocks), Eddy (Coinsilium)

The Singapore Blockchain ecosystem never fails to impress. We attended the Global Inclusive Blockchain event organized by the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS). We had a great chat with Eddy Travia (CEO Coinsilium) & Diego Gutiérrez (CEO at RSK) about GovBlocks and potentially using the protocol for RSK based applications. #bullish

The London connection

We were happy to host Nic Cary, founder of Blockchain.com, at our office in New Delhi when he came down to India last week. He’d travelled all the way from London to explore the Indian Blockchain ecosystem. The team had fun interacting with a crypto veteran like him!

Meanwhile, Stefanie got a chance to pitch GovBlocks along the likes of Melonport at the Mayfair Blockchain Meetup in London.

A PoC with the Govt of Maharashtra!

It’s always encouraging when Governments take the initiative on new technologies. The Govt of Maharashtra recently showed interest in exploring Blockchain Technology for a number of use cases and has selected GovBlocks to work on a couple of PoCs :)

What’s next?

We will be in London followed by New York for the NYC Blockchain Week, attending Consensus. Ish will also be presenting GovBlocks at the Token Summit conference that follows.

We’ll be announcing more partnerships soon. Did someone say TGE? *wink wink*

Super pumped!

PS: The GovBlocks v0.5 is live on the Kovan Test Net. Go ahead, play around with it, and share your feedback on the telegram group :)

