May ’18 — Progress Update

Pitching in front of 1000+ people, some key partnerships and v0.5 wiki :)

Kartic Rakhra
3 min readJun 2, 2018


v0.5 Wiki is now available

We released a step-by-step guide for using the GovBlocks Browser v0.5. The wiki can be accessed at Topics like registering a dApp, configuring governance models, using GovBlocks for decision making are all covered in the Wiki. Check it out!

If you need KETH or RETH to test GovBlocks, just reach out to us on our Telegram group and we’ll be more than happy to send some over :)


We attended the New York Blockchain Week in May which included Consensus 2018 and Token Summit III. It was quite an experience and Ish got an opportunity to pitch GovBlocks in front of more than 1000 people at Token Summit. Do check out the 5-min video!


We are excited to announce our partnership with Nexus Mutual, Indorse and the Government of Maharashtra! Here is a scope overview of the partnerships:

Nexus Mutual

Nexus Mutual is an Ethereum based decentralized alternative to insurance coming out soon with their first product — Smart Contract Cover. Nexus Mutual is using GovBlocks for governance voting thought out the application for various decision points like the release of new smart code, management of investment assets, implementing emergency pause, punishing fraudulent claim assessors etc.


Indorse is building a decentralized professional network on the Ethereum Blockchain. They recently launched their B2B version on the Ethereum Mainnet. Indorse will become a part of the GovBlocks Network and ensure the legitimacy of network members. dApps looking to outsource processes will be able to rely on the validation of skills & certificates provided by Indorse before making their decision.

Government of Maharashtra

The Government of Maharashtra, India awarded a proof of concept to our team at Somish which shall be deploying GovBlocks for showcasing the data exchange capabilities of the protocol. This is in line with our previous efforts with the Government of Papua New Guinea for which we won the London Blockchain Week Hackathon 2017.

What’s next?

Along with the GovBlocks Browser, we’re now gearing up to release the GovBlocks JS which is a javascript wrapper on the solidity protocol. It will allow developers to start building on the protocol and integrate decision implementation within their dApps.

We’re also working on a GovBlocks 101 series to look under the hood and showcase how the protocol works.

Inviting dApps for v0.5 integration. Reach out to us if you’re building one!

PS: The GovBlocks v0.5 Demo is live on both Rinkeby as well as Kovan Test Nets. Go ahead, play around with it, and share your feedback :)

