How to Determine the ROI of your Customer Relationship Solution

Rock Solid
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2019

As states and local municipalities continue to face budget cuts, it seems more difficult now than ever to think about your citizens. As a government leader, you have a responsibility to your constituents, and without the proper funding, your hands are tied.

You might want to improve the current systems or change them completely, but all of that requires funding. To the surprise of many government leaders, affording a CRM is easy with the right system.

When businesses implement a CRM, it’s easy for them to determine the ROI because there are dollar signs associated with every move they make. When we’re talking about constituent relationship management, it gets a little more complicated.

Budget cuts and shortfalls make it difficult to serve the people, and it often leads to a decrease in agency performance.

When agencies implement a CRM, the initial investment quickly leads to improved performance and streamlined process, which turns into substantial financial savings for the agency.


Budget cuts and stiff restrictions are a real thing, and it’s impossible to get constituents to truly understand that. Managing time spent on jobs and the cost of completion are the two most difficult jobs that local governments face.

With a tool like Rock Solid OneLink, mobile citizen experience, your agency will save money by not requiring as many operators to take calls. For example, using the OneLink mobile citizen engagement platform, the city of Honolulu reduced the cost of public calls from $6 per call to barely over 60 cents. That’s a ten times ROI on their investment.

It’s not all about reducing the number of calls but also reducing the outcome and time spent on accomplishing the task. When you have a lot of barriers preventing the information from getting to the person who actually needs it, you’re creating bottlenecks which leads to additional calls, further complaints, and more money spent.

Streamlining the process of answering 311 calls and accomplishing them fast is the best way to save money in this area.

Another financial advantage of government CRM is reducing the number of repeat complaints. How many times do different people call to complain about the same thing? Maybe there is a lot of garbage piling up in a local park, and now your 311 needs to answer 15 of the same calls while other people are waiting on the line with different issues.

With OneLink, they can go directly onto the app and see if someone has already filed that complaint already. If it’s on there, they can check on the status of the job and feel peace of mind in knowing that you’re already on it.



Rock Solid

Civic Engagement Platform helping local gov connect with citizens through our simple, but powerful mobile app.