For Trump Voters Who Object That Dems Are Arrogant & Are Unfairly Disrespecting Them

How can you justify disrespecting people just because they voted for Trump?


Rodney Dangerfield From Youtube

By David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

Rodney Dangerfield used to complain, “I don’t get no respect.

Everyone starts out in neutral, neither respected nor disrespected. Our conduct, our character, our ethics, our words and our actions nudge the needle toward respect in one direction or disrespect in the other.

Believing Obvious Lies EARNS Us Disrespect

The reason the Law insists that everyone is innocent until proven guilty is that anyone can make up any story, any accusation. Decent people with normal intelligence know that just saying something is true doesn’t make it true; that no accusations are true unless and until it they are proven to be true.

Bad people tell obvious lies and deserve our disrespect, and stupid people believe those obvious lies and also deserve our disrespect.

The person who claims that the earth is really flat; that the pictures from space are all fakes; that every year thousands of people fall off the edge of the earth, has demonstrated that s/he is so profoundly ignorant, stupid or crazy that s/he deserves our disrespect.

A person’s allegiance to obvious lies earns them our disrespect.

Choosing To Empower People Who Deserve Disrespect Also EARNS Us Disrespect

We are responsible for the harm that is done by the known bad people we choose to empower.

  • A school principal who hires a convicted child molester as his elementary school’s head janitor because the guy will work cheap has earned our disrespect.
  • The judge who gives a rapist a suspended sentence because he expects to get a big campaign contribution from the rapist’s rich family has earned our disrespect.
  • A CEO who hires a person who ran a large Ponzi scheme as his company’s new CFO because he thinks the conman will make his company more money has earned our disrespect
  • When you give a handgun to a mentally unstable child you share responsibility for the people he kills with it, as Jennifer and James Crumbly have found out. That is why they have earned our disrespect.

Choosing to empower known bad people for personal gain means you have poor character and earns you our disrespect.

By their actions the Crumbleys, the judge, the principal and the CEO have all done the wrong thing for personal gain and thus have all earned our disrespect.

Trump Supporters Claim They Are Unfairly Disrespected

Trump supporters are complaining that the people who dislike Trump are arrogant and condescending and are unfairly disrespecting them.

Let’s be clear. The Dems are not disrespecting the Trump supporters because they voted for a Republican or a conservative. Democrats never disrespected the people who voted for McCain or Romney because both Republican candidates were decent, honorable people.

The complained-of disrespect has nothing to do with Trump’s party or his political philosophy. It is based on Trump’s character.

Trump supporters are being disrespected not because they voted for someone who claims to be a conservative Republican, but because they voted for someone they either knew or should have known is a despicable, dishonest, pathologically lying, pro-Russia scoundrel.

There’s a big difference.

Trump Voters Who Believe Trump’s Lies

The people who believe that:

  • Trump won the 2020 election,
  • before abortion was made illegal doctors were murdering full-term babies in hospital delivery rooms,
  • illegals are killing and eating dogs and cats,
  • Kamala Harris is a whore who has pledged her allegiance to Satan,
  • the government controls the weather and has sent hurricanes to red states to punish Republicans,
  • the government has taken the FEMA money and given it to illegals,
  • illegals are voting in U.S. elections

are like the guy who believes that the earth is flat or the moon is made of green cheese.

Trumpers who choose to believe these ridiculous lies are so ignorant, stupid or crazy that they have earned other people’s disrespect to the same extent that the flat-earth guy has earned their disrespect.

Google it. Research it. Check it out on Wikipedia. If you choose to ignore the evidence and instead believe Trump’s ridiculous lies then you’ve earned other people’s disrespect. Own it.

Trump Voters Who Know He Is A Lying, Pro-Russia Scoundrel

We Are Responsible For The Harm Done By Bad People We Empower

The people who know Trump is a lying, pro-Russia scoundrel and voted for him anyway are no different from the principal who hires the child molester because he will work cheap, or the CEO who hires the conman as their CFO or the felon who was found guilty of sexual assault as their new head of HR because the CEO thinks those people will make the company more money.

Someone who chooses to empower a disreputable person for their own personal gain has acted so wrongly that they have earned our disrespect.

By knowingly hiring a liar, a conman, a sexual predator or a criminal to be the CEO of your country because you think he will pursue political goals you favor, you have revealed your own poor character and have earned others’ disrespect.


The people who know what Trump is and voted for him anyway want to claim that who they hire as America’s CEO

  • (1) does not reflect on their own character, ethics and integrity (but it does),
  • (2) that they are not responsible for the harm that he does in their name (but they are) and
  • (3) that therefore they don’t deserve the disrespect they get from those who opposed Trump (but they do).

When you choose to empower someone you know is a bad person because you think they will get you something you want, you are enabling the bad actions they perform in your name and that earns you others’ disrespect.

Like the Crumbleys who gave their child a semi-automatic handgun, you have made yourself responsible for the evil that you have empowered Trump to do.

Why would you think that you don’t deserve to be disrespected for doing that?

— David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

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Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace
Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Published in Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Government Theory, Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian; Wealth & Poverty; Law & The Constitution; Democrats, GOP & Political Parties; Guns & The 2nd Amendment; Privacy v. Gov’t Action

David Grace
David Grace

Written by David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 17 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.

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