Harris Should Not Give ANY Details About Anything. They Can Only Hurt Her
Detailed plans will lose her far more votes than they gain. Keep it simple, just like the brains of the voters who will decide the election
By David Grace (Amazon Page — David Grace Website)
Only Political Junkies Care About Details
I’ve heard the chorus of “Kamala needs to give us the details on what she’s going to do”; “Harris needs to explain her plans for the country” Blah, Blah, Blah.
No, she doesn’t and she shouldn’t. It’s a big mistake to do that.
80% Of The Voters Have Already Decided
40% of the voters are going to go for Trump and 40% are going to vote for Harris. That 80% has already decided how they’re going to vote. They don’t need to know anything more.
Maybe a few of the Trump people will change their minds and not vote at all or, rarely, switch to Harris. The same for some of the Harris people.
You don’t need detailed plans or proposals to get the votes of that 80%. Case closed on them.
In fact, any details you give are more likely to lose you votes from the 40% who are already on your side than they are to gain you any votes from the 40% that are already on the other side.
So if that 80% is already locked up then, clearly, your target audience is the remaining 20%.
Who Are The Uncommitted 20%?
The people who will decide this election are the ignorant, apathetic and, yes, the stupid 20% who have no intellectual approach to politics, don’t watch the news, don’t understand the complexities of government, and don’t much care about politics.
They’re the people who say that there’s too much name calling, while at the same time eventually voting for the candidate who promises most loudly to get whomever they think are “the bad guys.”
It’s Impossible To Explain Details To The 20%ers
The 20%ers are not avidly scanning the news, asking themselves, “Well, I’m not sure I agree with Harris’ farm policy, but I like her plan to reduce prescription drug prices. I’m going to have to study her strategy for fighting global warming before I will be able to decide if I’m going to vote for her or Trump.”
Give me an f***ing break!
You not only don’t have to explain to these potential voters how you’re going to “fix things” and “get the bad guys” you more or less can’t explain things in a way that they will hear and understand.
Not possible.
The “Information” The 20%ers Actually Receive
Here’s the reality about how the media actually works.
Trump says, “Crime is terrible. I’m going to fix that” and the reporters duly write it down, and that night the evening news says, “Trump promises to reduce crime.”
Maybe in the break room the next day some guy says to his buddy, “My pal’s truck got broken into last week” and his pal says, “Trump will take care of that when he gets in” and then they complain that somebody ate the last donut.
Trump Never Gives Workable Details
Nobody asks Trump for his 14-point plan on how he’s going to reduce crime or how exactly he will eliminate inflation.
And if some reporter is silly enough to ask, “Mr. Trump exactly how are you going to reduce inflation if you’re elected” Trump will babble, “I will fire the head of the Federal Reserve and replace him with someone who will actually do something for the American people. And, let me tell you, I understand business. I will call up the biggest CEOs and tell them that they had better get a handle on their prices or I will do things they won’t like, and let me tell you, inflation will go down to almost zero overnight.”
And then the studious reporters will write that all down and the headlines will be, “Trump says he will stop inflation” and “If elected Trump promises to declare war on inflation” and a bunch of the people in the middle 20% will say, “Trump is going to make groceries cheaper. I like that. Maybe he deserves another chance.”
What crap.
Nobody makes Trump give any, ANY detailed even theoretically possible plans. And nobody in the 20% cares that he doesn’t!
Democrats Are Suckers For Giving Details
How stupid do the Democrats have to be to try to explain a detailed legislative program to the 20%? Very stupid.
The more details Harris gives, the more the Republicans will twist them, lie about them, misinterpret them, and find ways to criticize them.
Then the dumb people who don’t read newspapers or magazines or watch the national news and instead get all their so-called information from Facebook and Tic Toc will start saying, “I heard Harris plans to make us all buy electric cars! I ain’t givin’ up my truck for nobody. I’ll tell you what.”
Remember Hillary’s fourteen-point plan for this and eleven-point plan for that? How did that work out for her?
No, only an idiot would try to explain the details on how they plan to reach some hugely complicated goal.
Instead Just Talk About Your Goals
Just stick to stating the goal itself and leave the details about how you’re going to get there for later. Much later. For example:
Climate Change — “Americans have already suffered hundreds of billions of dollars in losses from climate change. Many Americans can no longer insure their homes. We have to fight climate change and fight the insurance companies that are bankrupting hard-working Americans.”
Housing costs — “Housing prices are unacceptable. My administration will cure the housing shortage by fighting price gouging in the lumber industry, unnecessarily complicated and costly regulations that increase the cost of construction, and greedy landlords that exploit their power to charge excessive rents.”
Details Are Not Part Of A President’s Job Description
Harris and Trump are auditioning for the job of CEO of America. CEOs don’t handle details. They have people for that.
Presidents set overall strategy. The eggheads and nerds, the Ph.Ds and the policy wonks figure out the details and then Congress screws things up all over again.
How you are actually going to get to wherever you’re going is not really part of the Hire-Me-As-President employee-interview process.
Keep It Simple
So, Ms. Harris, stick to generalities, aspirations, long-term goals and identifying the “bad guys” who you will put a stop to.
That’s all, maybe even a bit more than the 20%ers will be able to process.
Keep the message simple, just like the brains of the 20% of the voters in the middle who will decide this election.
You owe it to the stupid people.
— David Grace (Amazon Page — David Grace Website)