If The GOP Nominee Was Hitler Republicans Would Still Not Vote For Biden

Conservatives will not vote against even a terrible person if the despicable candidate promotes their right-wing ideology


Image by Samuele Schirò from Pixabay

By David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

I Used To Hate Trump But Maybe He’s Really Not So Bad

I recently talked with an old friend of mine, a great guy, who is a committed Republican. For almost a year he’s told me, over and over what a bad guy he thinks Trump is. Terrible guy. Awful. But now I sense that he’s trying to give himself an excuse to vote again for The Donald.

Now Biden is “horrible” and maybe Trump won’t be quite as terrible as he previously feared. He seems to be thinking that somehow there could emerge a kinder, gentler Trump, couldn’t there? Maybe the Donald has learned something. Maybe he will pick better advisors the next time around.

Wish Away The Reality Of Trump

Forget that Trump

  • would be happy to see the end of NATO.
  • wants to see Russia conquer the Ukraine.
  • pardoned Michael Flynn after his conviction for federal felonies
  • pardoned Steve Bannon after Bannon’s federal indictment for fraud
  • was found guilty of sexual assault by a jury

Forget Trump’s

  • constant lies.
  • role in January 6th insurrection.
  • election-denial campaign.
  • proudly bragging how wonderful it is that he can get away with grabbing strange women’s genitals.

Magical Thinking

Wish all that away. Maybe God will appear to Mr. Snake and he will experience a miraculous conversion like Saul on the way to Damascus.


  • your multiple-affairs husband will stop cheating on you.
  • your drug addict brother-in-law will spontaneously lose his taste for heroin.
  • the lottery ticket you bought based on the multiplication of your birthday times your minister’s birthday will win the billion-dollar jackpot.

It’s all nonsense, of course.

No Candidate Is So Bad That A Conservative Will Vote For The Democrat

Here’s the bottom line. Most Republicans today are conservatives and most conservatives care about one and only one thing: the enactment of their semi-anarchist, Christian-fundamentalist agenda. Period.

They will tell any story and make any excuse, believe, or pretend to believe any nonsense no matter how colossally ridiculous in order to justify voting for anyone, and I mean anyone, who will promote their ideology, or at least they will not vote for someone running against that Republican candidate.

If Ted Bundy was a doctrinaire conservative and he was the Republican candidate for President, most Republicans would vote for him. Those who didn’t would not vote at all. Almost no Republicans would vote for Bundy’s Democratic opponent, because that would be morally wrong.

If Adolph Hitler magically reappeared, perhaps risen from the dead, sent forward in time from a secret Nazi cryo-locker, or cloned from bits of skin and bone scraped from the remnants of his Berlin bunker, declared himself a dedicated conservative and staunch Trump MAGA supporter, and became the GOP candidate for President, a majority of the members of the Republican party would vote for him and essentially none of them would vote against him.

Nothing, and I mean, nothing, matters to conservatives beyond the enactment of their semi-anarchist, fundamentalist agenda and thwarting the liberal, Democratic Party’s plans.

They will tell themselves any lie, make any excuse, spin any fantastical story to justify voting for even the most despicable person in history (or at least not voting for the Democratic opponent to the most despicable person in history) so long as the Republican candidate promises to promote their right-wing agenda.

True Believers Act From Emotion, Not Logic

This is not surprising. True Believers always act from emotion, not logic.

Was it logical for Jim Jones’ followers to murder their own children when he told them to? Of course not.

Was it logical for all those ministers in Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina and the rest of the South to both preach Christ’s love on Sunday and not only vote for but enthusiastically support segregationist candidates on election Tuesday? Of course not.

Jesus would have whipped them from the Temple along with the money changers had he lived in Birmingham in 1960.

People do terrible things and follow and promote terrible men and women in support of their religious and political ideologies.

Logic? Not interested. Reason? Of course not. Just plain decency? Please.

Would You Vote For Biden Over Hitler?

Do you want proof? OK, if you know someone who is both a die-hard conservative and also intellectually honest, ask him or her: “If Adolph Hitler was the Republican candidate for President and Joe Biden was the Democratic candidate for President, would you go to the polls on election day and cast your ballot for Joe Biden?”

They aren’t going to answer that question. They will deflect it with “He’s not eligible because he’s not a native-born American so your scenario couldn’t happen” or “The Republican party would never nominate him so it’s a pointless question.”

Then you might change the candidate to a resurrected and pardoned Bernie Madoff or Ted Bundy.

They would still refuse to answer, but if you could somehow get them to respond truthfully, they would tell you “No.”

They would rather do nothing and let Hitler or Madoff or Bundy be elected President rather than vote for even a moderate Democrat.

Note, I’m not saying Trump is Hitler. That’s ridiculous. I’m saying that no one, not even Hitler, is so bad that conservatives would vote for Joe Biden in order to protect America from Hitler getting into the White House.

People who would do that (wouldn’t vote for Biden in order to prevent Hitler from being elected President) are the opposite of patriots.

Nothing matters to them more than their true-believer, right-wing ideology.

— David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

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David Grace
Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 16 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.