It’s Obvious Why Trump’s GOP Opponents Can’t Make Any Headway Against Him

To understand Trump’s unwavering support, you have to understand the issues that are vital to Trump’s unwavering supporters


Nikki Haley by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg

By David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

The Talking Heads Don’t Understand Why Trump’s Supporters Can’t Be Moved

The talking heads are still babbling their confusion about why Trump’s GOP opponents can’t seem to make any headway against him. What strategy can DeSantis, Christie, Haley, et. al. adopt that will allow them to overtake Mr. Crazy Snake in the polls, they wonder.

Should Haley, DeSantis and the like follow Christe’s lead and attack Trump more? Should Trump’s competitors be more robust in pointing out that DT is almost certain to lose the general election because non-MAGA Americans will never vote for him? Will that eventually work?

What is the magic bullet that will derail Trump’s candidacy and put one of his opponents at the top of the Republican ballot?

Lurking in the background behind their mystified looks and confused expressions is the more fundamental question, What is DT’s magic power that seems to unbreakably hold seventy percent of Republican party in his thrall?

To all that I say a big DUH!

To Understand Trump’s Popularity Look At Who Is Supporting Him

Good golly, to answer that question all you have to do is just ask yourself who the MAGA people are and what they want. Once you do that, their unwillingness to switch from Trump to Christie or Haley is no mystery at all.

The 70% of registered Republicans who are sticking with DT are mostly:

  • 1) Religious fundamentalists who think that doing what God wants should guide everyone’s lives. What does God want? They will tell you that it’s all right there in the bible, and in that regard Mr. Crazy Snake is doing God’s work — criminalizing abortion today, tomorrow criminalizing gay marriage, eventually suppressing easy access to birth control, and generally returning the U.S. government to the business of fighting sin. Christian sin.

— — Not barring work on Saturday, which is Jewish sin. Not preventing people from eating pork, which is Jewish and Muslim sin. Not preventing people from eating meat in general, which is vegetarian sin. No, criminalizing Christian sin — homosexuality, abortion, women’s rights, birth control and, generally, sex outside of marriage for fun.

  • 2) Gun nuts — everybody being able to own and maybe even carry their own assault rifle with a fifty shot magazine.
  • 3) Racists, or as they prefer to be called, enlightened people who recognize that the white race is the best race and that all those other races, on average, are just not quite as good. Oh sure, they will admit that black people are very athletic and Asians can be clever, but generally, on average, white people are number one and that black and brown people are mostly lazy and/or stupid losers looking for a government handout funded by the hard work of decent, Christian white people.

Trump Is Unquestionably On Their Side

Mr. Crazy Snake has already killed the national right to get an abortion, so he’s proven his bonafides in stomping out Christian sin.

He’s already shown his allegiance to both the gun nuts and the white nationalists. He’s a proven commodity. Why should they switch to somebody else who might not be as committed to their ideology?

None Of The Other Candidates Are Speaking To Their Hearts

Are any of DT’s competitors promising to stamp out legal abortion everywhere in the United States? Are they going to get rid of federal protections for gay marriage? Are any of them proposing making AR-15 ownership legal for everybody over the age of seventeen? Are any of them slyly emitting White Is Right dog whistles?

An anti-Trump conservative Republican friend of mine told me about a woman in her late 50s who told him that she supports Trump because he makes her feel safe.

Safe from what? Gay people getting married? Young women having an abortion? The lefties taking away her assault rifle? A herd of U.N. soldiers swarming over the Mexican border? Safe from the mythological Welfare Queens who are coming after their money?

The other contenders for the GOP nomination aren’t promising these three core MAGA groups anything close to what Trump is committed to delivering for them.

The Great Unwashed Aren’t Interested In Buying Soap

Asking MAGA voters to switch from Trump to them is like a bunch of ranchers trying to cozy up to the board of directors of the Vegetarian Society. You can extol the nutritional virtues of beef and chicken all day and all night and you’re not going to make any headway with the carrot-juice crowd. You’re just not promising them anything that they really, really want and your competition is.

DeSantis and Christie and the rest of them can babble all day long about protecting America from the ravages of wokeism and warning of the toxic debris that DT leaves in his wake, but they might as well be arguing the pros and cons of string theory for all the good that’s going to do them in getting Trump’s MAGA supporters to back them instead of him.

To Get Trump’s Supporters You Have To Out-Trump Trump

Unless they out-Trump Trump, unless they start promoting guns and more guns, a federal abortion ban, criminalizing homosexuality or at least ending a national right to gay marriage, making it illegal for insurance companies to pay for birth-control pills, instituting a national poll tax, and building an electrified wall a hundred feet tall all the way from San Diego to Port Isabel, Texas, their chances of chipping off a majority of Mr. Crazy Snake’s supporters is about as good as the odds of the CEO of Perdue Farms being picked to grace the cover of the Vegetarian News.

Of course, there are other reasons why the core GOP voters aren’t attracted by the current crop of GOP Presidential candidates, reasons that I will outline in my next column together with my proposal for a winning ticket in 2024.

— David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

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David Grace
Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 16 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.