Liberals, Conservatives, Libertarians and Gun People, Just Admit What You Really Believe.

Dump The Cover Arguments And Say It Like It Is.


By David Grace (

Cover Reasons Vs. Real Reasons

There’s a big difference between a reason that people give for doing something and the real reason they have for doing it.

People always have a reason for wanting to do something, but often they only give you a cover reason, camouflage for the real reason because they don’t want to say their real reason out loud.

For example: “I subscribe Playboy for the great articles,” is an oldie but a goodie.

What’s the difference between a cover reason and the real reason?

If you take away all the cover reasons and leave only the real reason, they would still want to do it, but if you leave all the cover reasons and take away the real reason, they would no longer want to do it.

If you took away the great articles and left the naked women the men still would have subscribed to Playboy.

If you took away the naked women and left the great articles, bingo, subscriptions cancelled at warp speed.

Another Example

Your teenage daughter asks if she can go to a late screening of an old movie on a school night. She tells you:

  • The movie ties into a paper she’s writing for school (Cover Reason).
  • It’s a classic movie that’s won numerous awards (Cover Reason).
  • One of the actors is now a big star who’s active in ending starvation in Africa (Cover Reason).

Upon some questioning she admits that, oh, yes, a certain boy she likes will be there (Real Reason).

People Think That Giving A Cover Reason Means They’re Not Lying

It’s common that people don’t want to admit the real reasons for what they say and do. They think that by giving cover reasons they can pretend that, technically, they’re telling the truth when, actually, they’re not.

They’re like Bill Clinton defining sex as only meaning intercourse so that he can claim he told the truth when he said that he didn’t have sex with Monica Lewinsky.

Lawyers call it “A scheme fitted to deceive.”

When I hear people spouting all these cover reasons and never owning up to the real reasons I want to shout, “Hey, just say it. If that’s what you believe, then that’s what you believe. Admit it. Stand up for it.”

I’m talking to you, Gun People, Liberals, Conservatives and Libertarians

Gun People

Why do Gun People want anyone to be able to go to a gun show and buy an AR-15 with a 50 shot magazine without a background check?

  • Reverence for the Constitution — Cover Reason.
  • Need it for self-defense against killers, rapists, and other criminals — Cover Reason
  • Great hunting rifle — BIG Cover Reason

>Real Reason: We need to be able to arm ourselves with military-style weapons with big magazines that can be fired in full-auto or close to full-auto mode so that when the liberals, immigrants, and black people take over the government and start passing laws that take away our freedoms we will be able to rise up in an armed revolution against the government.

>Real Reason: We need to be able to arm ourselves with military-style weapons with big magazines that can be fired in full-auto or close to full-auto mode so that when our one-worlder government allows U.N. troops to stream across the border to take over the country we will be able to mount an armed revolution against the government.

>Real Reason: We need to be able to arm ourselves with military-style weapons with big magazines that can be fired in full-auto or close to full-auto mode so that when the Russians (or maybe the Chinese) stage a sneak attack and invade the country like the commies did in Red Dawn, we will be able to mount a counter-attack and repel the invaders.

Gun People, you know those are the real reasons you want anyone to be able to anonymously buy AK-47s and AR-15s with big magazines, so just admit it.

If you think those are good reasons then stand up for your beliefs and say so.


Why do some liberals want to enact a Guaranteed Minimum Income?

  • To unleash the vast, untapped, creative potential of most poor people — Cover Reason.
  • Because this extra money will make it easier for poor people to turn down food-stamp-wage jobs — Cover Reason
  • To stimulate the economy by putting more money in the hands of consumers — Cover Reason.

> Real Reason: To fund a massive transfer of wealth from the top 20% to the bottom 40%.

You think it’s wrong for the top 20% to have more money than the entire bottom 80%. I get it. But if you want to enact a program that will even out the wealth, then just say that.


Why do many/most conservatives oppose a living-wage minimum wage?

  • Because they believe raising the minimum wage will cause a big increase unemployment — Cover reason.
  • Because they believe raising the minimum wage will cause a big spike in inflation — Cover reason.

>Real Reason: Because they believe that low-skilled people shouldn’t be paid that much money.

You think that the poor skills and low training and intelligence of the people on the bottom mean they’re not worth being paid enough money to live on leastwise enough to live on and also purchase health insurance. You think it’s just not right to pay them that much, that their low level of intelligence and skill doesn’t entitle them to be paid health insurance and a living wage, that barely subsistence wages are all they’re worth.

OK, I get it.

Just admit it.


Why do libertarians oppose consumer protection laws?

  • Because the market will automatically force manufacturers to make safe, good products without the need for any regulations — Cover reason.
  • Because consumers can voluntarily avoid bad or unsafe products on their own without any consumer-protection laws being needed — Cover reason

>Real Reason: Because the fundamental rule in the catechism of the libertarian’s political religion is that people should be free to do whatever they want to do without there being any rules. The truth is that libertarians want everyone to live in a world without rules because they hate rules.

You know you don’t really think that bad and unsafe products and abusive terms of sale will all disappear on their own. You don’t really believe that in a practical sense almost all consumers almost all of the time will be able to protect themselves from bad products and abusive terms.

You know that without rules consumers will be badly hurt, but you think that you’re smart enough to avoid the bad stuff and that anybody who isn’t as smart and as careful as you are deserves what they get, that whatever scam befalls them is their own damn fault for being that stupid and their being screwed over by bad products is a small price to pay so that you can live in a world without rules.

Just admit it.

–David Grace (

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David Grace
Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 16 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.