The Democrats Just Rope-A-Doped Donald Trump

Joe Biden’s Delayed Withdrawal Is The Best Thing That Possibly Could Have Happened For The Democrats


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By David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

The Rope-A-Dope

When Muhammad Ali fought George Foreman, Ali repeatedly backed to the edge of the ring and allowed the ropes to absorb the force of Foreman’s blows. Foreman eventually wore himself out with these ineffectual punches, and when Foreman was sufficiently exhausted Ali came out blazing and won the fight.

Ali called that let-the-other-guy-tire-himself-out strategy The Rope-A-Dope.

Well, the Democrats just Rope-A-Doped Donald Trump. Big Time.

Was It A Plan Or Just Luck?

I don’t think any of the Dems were smart enough to have actually planned it out in advance, but that’s how it worked out.

Just for fun, let’s pretend that a secret, super-genius Democrat political guru, let’s call him “Jimmy,” back in 2023 actually did plan Biden’s last-minute 2024 withdrawal.

How It Might Have Happened — A Fantasy

It’s March 2023. In a secret meeting with Joe Biden, Jimmy tells the President that he must announce that he is committed to running for another term.

Biden is tired and doubtful that the American people will think that he will have the mental and physical stamina to do the job for another four years, but Jimmy assures the President to trust him, that he has a plan.

Biden’s Announcement Guarantees No Primary Contests

In April 2023 Biden announces his total commitment to running for re-election. Of course, no one in the Party is going to challenge him, and therefore there are no materially-contested Democratic-party primaries.

That means that no donor money is spent on primary contests and no potential Democrat candidates say anything bad about each other. No one’s reputation is damaged. No grudges are spawned.

The Republicans Concentrate All Their Attacks On Biden

Donald Trump, of course, turns all his guns on Joe Biden: Biden is old; Biden is senile; Biden makes mistakes, etc. etc. etc. His back against the ropes, Biden absorbs it all.

The Republicans have their national convention and expend all their ire against Biden. Except for a few weak jabs at Harris, barely a shot is fired in the direction of any other prominent Democrats.

Because Trump “knows” that his opponents will be Biden and Harris, he picks J.D. Vance as his running mate.

Finally, when the Republican convention is over, Jimmy tells the President, “It’s time.”

The Big Switcheroo

In his role as a selfless, patriotic leader, Joe Biden tells the nation that he’s passing the torch to his vigorous, law-and-order, former prosecutor, Vice President, Kamala Harris.

Suddenly, the now rested, well-financed, energized and united Democrats fly off the ropes and unleash a blistering attack.

The Rope-A-Dope Revealed

Jimmy’s genius plan is now clear to see:

  • No Democrat donor money has been wasted on primaries.
  • There were no self-inflicted wounds from inter-party conflicts
  • There were no harsh words exchanged and no grudges created between party members
  • The Democrats now face a tired Trump who has wasted his time and money on a phantom opponent
  • A well financed, excited, energized, unified Democratic Party is hungry for victory
  • The Democrats have received massive, free news coverage and huge, favorable publicity for the new Democratic candidate
  • Donald Trump is now the Old Guy in the race, the core complaint he had used against Joe Biden
  • Trump has chosen a running mate who has zero appeal for women or Blacks. Had Trump known he was facing Harris at the top of the Dem’s ticket he might have chosen firebrand Kari Lake to try to blunt Harris’ appeal to female voters. Too late for that now.

Of Course, It Didn’t Happen That Way

If only the Dems had had such a strategic genius and would have listened to him/er. But they didn’t. Instead, they just got amazingly, incredibly lucky.

But Biden and Harris will take luck like that over brilliant planning every day of the week.

In the end, all that counts is getting the Win.

The King of Lies is now in deep crap. It’s Harris’ election to win, and win big, if she just doesn’t screw it up.

I’m predicting that, baring such a screw-up, Harris will get between 53% and 55% of the Harris/Trump total vote. But remember, as the Bible says, “Time and chance happeneth to them all.”

It’s a long time yet before the fat lady sings.

— David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

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David Grace
Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 16 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.