The People You Empower Are Mirrors That Reflect Their Character Back Onto You

It’s not about voting for a party or a philosophy. It’s about voting for a scoundrel because you think he’ll get you something you want


Image by Albert-Paul from Pixabay

By David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

I’ve been told that the people who know what Trump is and voted for him anyway don’t understand why the Democrats, independents and Republicans who opposed Trump think they are bad people.

I’ve been told that the people who know what Trump is and voted for him anyway think that picking a President is the same as supporting one Superbowl team instead of another, so, they ask, why does voting for Trump make them a bad person?

I will try again here to explain that to them.

Voting For A President Is Nothing Like Picking A Sports Team

Who wins the Super Bowl has no consequences to anyone beyond the participants, and the players aren’t chosen by a vote to represent the residents of the city whose name appears on their jerseys .

A President is chosen by a vote, does represent the American people, and which of the candidates is elected does have massive consequeces for all of us, not just those who voted for him/er. Beyond that, Trump’s favoritism for Russia and North Korea and hostility to NATO poses grave threats not only to America’s national security but to that of the rest of the world.

The Character Of Who You Hire Reflects Your Character

When you hire a known pedophile to work in your elementary school you’re saying that you don’t care if children might be molested. That tells us how poor your character is.

When you give a pistol to a troubled child, you’re saying you don’t care if innocent people might be shot. That tells us how poor your character is.

If your board of directors hires a convicted swindler as their new CEO because they think he will make the company more money that tells us how poor the board members’ character is.

Empowering a bad person for personal gain means that you don’t care about their bad character and that you don’t care about the harm they may do with the power you’re giving them, and those two “don’t cares” tell us how poor your character is.

Knowing how bad a person Donald Trump is and voting for him anyway because you think he will get you something you want tells us the same thing about the level of your character.

Not because you voted for a Republican. Not because you voted for a claimed-to-be conservative. Because you knowingly voted for a scoundrel.

The Character Of Our Elected Leaders Reflects Our Character

The person we elect as our President is a mirror that reflects his known character and his known integrity back onto the people who voted for him.

Trump’s known bad character and poor integrity taint the character and the integrity of those who voted for him.

The Character Of Our President Tells The World Who We Are

Who we elect as President tells the world who and what a majority of the American people are.

Today, the majority of the American people have knowingly picked a lying, mean, demogogue, narcissist, egomaniac, Russia-loving, criminal to represent them.

By voting for him, a majority of the American people have approved of, ratified and elected to embrace as their own, the abysmal integrity, morals, and character of Donald Trump.

That is a disgrace, and that’s why those who voted for him are bad people.

— David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

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Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace
Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Published in Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Government Theory, Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian; Wealth & Poverty; Law & The Constitution; Democrats, GOP & Political Parties; Guns & The 2nd Amendment; Privacy v. Gov’t Action

David Grace
David Grace

Written by David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 17 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.

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