The Real Reason Republicans Claim That Harris Isn’t “Good Enough” To Be President (& Trump Is)


Image by beasternchen from Pixabay

By David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

Some Republicans have told me that Harris will lose because she’s too weak a candidate to gain the anti-Trump Republican votes, and that if the Dems had only picked a “stronger” nominee then Trump would be toast.

Phony Reasons v. Real Reasons

People lie. They try to hide the real reason they do things behind a lie.

People lie by making up a fake reason or giving A reason but not THE reason for something they are going to do. Often they will give you five reasons, none of which are THE real reason because they are ashamed to admit the real reason.

Fact: Men didn’t buy Playboy because they liked the articles.

Fact: The teenage girl didn’t go to the movies because the film was related to a school project. She went because there were boys there.

Fact: People who know that Trump is a despicable human being and a danger to the country aren’t going to vote for Harris because she “didn’t tell the world that Joe Biden’s memory was in and out” or because Harris didn’t issue some imaginary Vice Presidential Executive Order (there is no such thing) that would have magically closed down the border without any legislation passed by the Republican-controlled congress.

The real reason these Republicans who know that Trump is a scoundrel, a threat to the United States, and a Russian pawn complain that if only the Dems had run a stronger candidate they would be all for that person but they can’t vote for Harris, is evident from just a quick look at the resumes of the “stronger candidates” Shapiro and Beshear and the “weaker” candidate, Harris.

There are two glaring differences between Shapiro’s and Beshear’s resumes on the one hand and Harris’ on the other.

Two are male and white and one is female and black.

What Do They Mean By “a stronger nominee”?

They mean that if the Dems had nominated any halfway decent white guy then the anti-Trump Republicans would have been lining up to vote for him, but they won’t say that out loud.

In this election the unspoken, unadmitted, hidden theme behind the complaint that Kamala Harris isn’t “good enough” to be President is men’s gut, emotional feeling that a woman, and worse than that a black woman, just can’t be good enough.

I know, I know. All you men are screaming, “Not true! I’m not a racist. She just doesn’t have the right stuff.

Pretend That A White Male Had Lived Harris’ Life

OK, let’s pretend that Josh Shapiro was transplanted into Kamala Harris’ life story.

Pretend that Josh Shapiro had been a deputy DA, then the head of the SF DA’s Felony Prosecution team, then the elected SF DA, then elected as the California Attorney General, then elected as one of the two Senators from California, then elected as the Vice President of the United States.

Pretend that white, male Josh Shapiro with that exact same resume as Harris was the Dem’s candidate today.

Would you feel in your gut that he was too weak candidate?

Would your gut tell you that Vice President Josh Shapiro would not be a strong enough candidate to put up against Donald Trump?

If you’re honest with yourself, you will admit that you would be fine with VP Josh Shapiro (or VP Andy Beshear) as the Dem’s nominee. Why?

Because your gut tells you, and in your heart you just feel, that the female, black Kamala Harris somehow doesn’t have as much of the right stuff to be President as the male, white Josh Shapiro would have if he had lived her life.

The right stuff being a working penis and ivory skin.

Males’ Instinctive Feeling That A Woman Just Isn’t Capable Enough

The fact is that for many men a woman has to be twice as good as the best male candidate and a black man has to be twice as good as the best white male candidate and a black woman has to be at least four times better than the best white male candidate to even be considered to be “good enough” to do the job.

And that’s exactly what’s going on with a lot of this “Harris is not a strong enough candidate for me to vote for her” nonsense.

It’s men who say that, men who automatically consider any woman and expecially a black woman to be unqualified to be President unless she proves that she’s ten times better than her opponent, and even then it’s not enough.

Their opinion is not based on logic. It’s a gut feeling. It’s instinctive. They might make up a lot a silly reasons to mask the real reason, but in their heart they feel that this black woman just isn’t good enough.

They Don’t Want To Say That Out Loud

Of course, the anti-Trump Republicans don’t want to admit that’s why they say that Harris is a “weak” candidate. Instead they come up with this total BS nonsense that she’s disqualified because she didn’t volunteer an untrained opinion that Biden was so mentally imparied that the 25th Amendment should have removed him as President, which, by the way, is totally, totally untrue. He wasn’t then and he isn’t now that severely impaired.

So, please don’t try to compare Trump’s litany of horrors, including, BTW, the thousands of Americans who died and the hundreds of thousands who were hospitalized because he discouraged social distancing, wearing masks and getting vaccinated, with Harris’ lifetime in law enforcement, twice elected to statewide offices in a state with 39 million people, and Vice President of the United States, and tell me with a straight face, “Oh, between the two candidates, they are equally qualified to be President” or “She just isn’t qualified enough to be President so I won’t vote for her.”

Just Admit The Truth

Look, please, have the decency to stand up and admit that just being a woman, and on top of that a black woman, is why you think, no, in your gut you feel, that Harris is too weak a candidate to deserve your vote even though she’s a hundred times more qualified than the unhinged, narcissist megalomaniac, pathologically lying, criminal, Russia-loving Donald Trump.

American Women Have Seen This All Before

American women in the workplace a have experienced the “women can’t be the boss” syndrome.

How many American working women have been forced to train some man to become their boss?

How many American working women have seen unqualified, incompetent men promoted or hired to fill executive openings that the women already in the company could easily have filled, but who weren’t even considered for the position?

For Women

And for all you women who know that what I’m saying is true, don’t let them get away with this crap any longer.

Don’t let their macho BS fool you into not voting for Harris.

Do the best thing that you can do to shut these guys up.

On November 6th let them suck on the reality of a woman being elected President of the United States.

— David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

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Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace
Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Published in Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Government Theory, Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian; Wealth & Poverty; Law & The Constitution; Democrats, GOP & Political Parties; Guns & The 2nd Amendment; Privacy v. Gov’t Action

David Grace
David Grace

Written by David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 17 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.

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