Thoughts About The Proposed New American Empire — Canada, Greenland & Panama

Will America’s Day In The Sun Get Even Brighter With More Territory?



By David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

Expanding Our Sphere Of Influence — America’s New Day In The Sun

Since November 6th I’ve been trying to avoid the news, but little whispers and echoes continue to drift past my averted eyes.

Apparently, there are plans afoot to welcome Panama, Greenland and Canada into the new American Commonwealth, much as Hitler welcomed Austria into alignment with The Fatherland, to make the Caribbean an American lake, the Gulf Of America.

But what about Cuba? Why have we abandoned our little neighbor to the South with no plans to allow it to join our glorious new Sphere Of Influence?

Skipping Mexico, sure, I understand that. There are all those Mexicans there, and we know what Mr. T thinks about them. But Cuba is a different case. There has long been an American connection to that Happy Island as Hemingway must have called it at one time or another.

Perhaps some of Mr. T’s followers plan to gift it to him on his birthday, and they don’t want to ruin the surprise.

Amending The Constitution To Create Voting & Non-Voting Citizenship

The other cloud of ideas that seems to be floating around in increasing density these days is the plan to hold a convention to change the Constitution to rationalize citizenship.

The notion that if you were born here then you belong here is apparently thought by Der Leader to be hopelessly outdated.

Modern corporate procedures have shown us a different direction. The concept of both voting and non-voting shareholding can be adapted to America to institute both voting and non-voting citizenship.

The two-class voting structure is working great to keep Zuck in full control of Meta so why not use it to keep Mr. T in full control of America?

I’m sensing that the plan is that people who were born in the U.S. by parents who were both also born in the U.S. would be voting citizens and people who were born here of parents only one of whom was born here would be non-voting citizens, and people who were born here with neither parent being born here would be non-voting resident aliens.

Of course, only citizens with full voting rights would be eligible to run for election to public office.

Resident Aliens

Resident aliens would be subject to deportation if they committed a certain number of crimes within a certain period of time, sort of like accumulating points for traffic violations. Get enough points and you’re on the next plane to Somewhere Else.

Also, resident aliens would not be eligible for any federal economic benefits, including social security or medicare, and would not be subject to federal wage and hour laws so that they could be employed as child laborers working overtime in mines and mills without worrying about those pesky federal Department of Labor inspectors.

They’re almost foreigners anyway so that seems right to the MAGA people.

While we’re about it, we probably could find some other employee and consumer protection laws that would not apply to non-citizens.

Should The Constitution Apply To Non-Citizens At All?

Certainly, resident aliens would not have the same rights, or perhaps any rights, under the revised Constitution. Why should our Constitution grant foreigners the right to feedom of speech or religion? If they don’t like how we do things here, well, they can go back to where their parents came from the MAGA people would say.

No Taxation Without Repsentation Is An Outdated Concept

Yes, we are definitely in for exciting times. Imagine how happy the Canadians, Greenlanders and Panamanians will be when they find out that they have become non-resident American aliens with none of the rights and privileges afforded to actual American citizens, but still being subject to prosecution in American courts and whatever taxes may be levied by the members of Congress they are not allowed to vote for.

The American Imperium

Hail Caesar, ummmm, I mean Hail Trump.

To the glory of the American Empire, people will chant as they thump their closed fists against their chests.

But, I Digress

Some of you might think I’m joking. The Jews didn’t believe Hitler would actually do what he said he would. The joke was on them.

The MAGA people are deadly serious as you will find out when they call for a convention to fix the Constitution. You can be certain that deleting the Second Amendment won’t be on their agenda.

Have you read any of those post-Thanksgiving news stories about the people who thought it would be good idea to deep-fry a turkey on their driveway and ended up burning down their house?

They remind me of the citizens who voted for Mr. T because they were certain that the character of the people whom they elected was absolutely unimportant.

The Constitution is their kindling and the United States of America is their house.

We are their turkeys.

— David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

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Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace
Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Published in Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Government Theory, Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian; Wealth & Poverty; Law & The Constitution; Democrats, GOP & Political Parties; Guns & The 2nd Amendment; Privacy v. Gov’t Action

David Grace
David Grace

Written by David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 17 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.

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