Today, In Self Defense, We Have The Right To Kill Anyone Who Frightens Us

Back In Old Dodge City, You Couldn’t Shoot First & Claim Self Defense, But Now You Can


“Gunfight” by mark6mauno is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

By David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

Curtis Reeves

In a Florida movie theater in 2014 Curtis Reeves got into an argument with Chad Oulson. Oulson allegedly threw some popcorn and reportedly a cell phone at Reeves.

Reeves pulled out a gun and shot Oulson dead, claiming that he had the right to kill him to stop Oulson from possibly following up the flying popcorn with a punch in the nose

Reeves was acquitted by the Florida jury after he argued that his time as a police officer informed him of when he ought to be frightened.

Travis McMichael

Travis McMichael saw Ahmaud Arbery jogging through his neighborhood. Arbery detoured into a house under construction then continued his jog. Armed with a shotgun McMichael and others chased Arbery down and confronted him, allegedly to effect a citizen’s arrest though they had not seen Arbery commit any crime for which he could legally be arrested.

Arbery tried to disarm McMichael.

McMichael said he assumed that if Arbery had managed to get his gun away from him that Arbery, of course, would have turned the gun on McMichael and killed him, so McMichael killed Arbery first, in self defense.

Kyle Rittenhouse

Kyle Rittenhouse, armed with an AR-15 style assault rifle**, prowled the night-time streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin during a civil disturbance. When an unarmed man, Joseph Rosenbaum, followed him and tried to disarm him, Rittenhouse killed him.

Some people who saw the killing believed Rittenhouse was a dangerous criminal. One of them, Anthony Huber, attacked Rittenhouse with a skateboard in an attempt to disarm him and hold him for arrest for his killing of Rosenbaum. Rittenhouse killed Huber. A third person, Gaige Grosskreutz, pointed a gun at Rittenhouse in an attempt to disarm him. Rittenhouse shot him.

A jury cleared Rittenhouse of any wrongdoing.

**Some comments to this column have claimed that the AR-15 is not an assault rifle. They are wrong.

Congress specifically designated the semi-automatic AR-15 as an assault rifle in the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. That Act also defined any semi-automatic rifle with a detachable magazine with a threaded barrel or a bayonet mount as an “assault rifle.” The AR-15 has a bayonet mount and is an “assault rifle” as defined by Congress in the “Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994” also known as the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.

Sara Nicole Morales & Andrew Derr

Sara Nicole Morales allegedly intentionally hit motorcyclist Andrew Derr with her car, but the collision did not injure him. Then she drove away. Derr followed her to her home. Morales emerged from her house with a gun which she pointed at Derr. Derr had a permit to carry a gun which he drew and fired several times, killing Morales.

She was five months pregnant with her second child.

Imagine how this would have turned out if neither one of them had had a gun.

It’s Not A Crime To Kill Armed People Who Frighten You

At least in Wisconsin, apparently under the doctrine of self defense we’re entitled pull out a gun and kill anyone, including unarmed people, who try to disarm us.

If Curtis Reeves is also acquitted then in Florida we’ll be able to kill anyone, armed or unarmed, who frightens us.

The jury did not accept McMichael’s claim that he was entitled to kill Arbery in self-defense when Arbery tried to disarm him. So, at least in Georgia, an armed person can’t kill an unarmed person who tries to disarm them.

Just remember that if you, like Sara Nicole Morales, have a gun and you point it at someone else who is armed, like Andrew Derr, then they can kill you in self defense, so you better be sure to kill them in self defense first before they can kill you in self defense.

Now Demonstrators & Counter-Demonstrators Will Be Armed

Since it is now legal to roam the streets with an unregistered assault rifle, we are now all free to head out to any demonstration by people we don’t like, confront them with our guns, and kill them if they try to disarm us.

And for those of you who are going to attend a demonstration, you probably should bring your own guns to defend yourselves against those armed people on the other side who may threaten you with their guns. That way, when someone on the other side pulls a gun on you, you can shoot them first, in self defense.

And because we’re all carrying guns, we’re all legally allowed to kill all the other people carrying guns because we and all those other people with guns are a danger to each other.

Dead Bystanders Are Just Unlucky Collateral Damage

And if some third party who is just standing around happens to get killed by one of your bullets that misses its intended target or one of their bullets that misses you, that’s bad luck for the dead guy, but it’s not a crime because all the shooters were just acting in self defense.

Previously Just A Demonstration. Now An Armed Battle

Because we’re in danger from them, before we go out to a demonstration maybe we should first put on our Kevlar vests and use the little man on Google Maps to scout out handy mailboxes, lamp posts and other defensive positions that we can shelter behind so that if and when those other (bad) people shoot at us we can dodge their bullets in between popping out of our hiding places and shooting at them, in self defense.

We Can Kill Unarmed People Who Try To Disarm Us

And if some unarmed bad person tries to disarm us, then we have the right to assume that if they manage to take our gun away from us that they will undoubtedly use it to shoot us, so we will have the right to kill that unarmed person, in self defense, except in Georgia where that notion was rejected by a jury.

Now We Can Enter Enemy Neighborhoods & Shoot Anyone Who Has A Gun

Here’s an idea: let’s all get as many guns as we can and go out into the neighborhoods of the people we don’t like and wave our guns around, maybe fire a few celebratory shots into the air, and when some of them come out of their houses we can kill any of them who have guns in their hands, in self defense.

And if any people come into our neighborhood with guns in their hands, we can get our guns and kill all of them, in self defense.

Americans Want To Be Free To Kill The Bad People

Yes, it’s anarchy but that’s what many, many Americans want — anarchy — the right to do whatever they want, carry weapons at all times anywhere, and kill anyone who has a weapon, or who, unarmed, tries to take our gun away, or who makes us afraid that we may be the recipient of a slap in the face.

Go get your guns and don’t let the bad people win.

Now It’s OK To Shoot First

Our ancestors in the Old West had it right, except back then it was murder if you drew first. Now we’ve done away with that silly rule. Today, if we’re afraid of the other person we have the right, in self defense, to kill them before they can kill us, or maybe just slap us in the face if Curtis Reeves is acquitted.

So, the jury has spoken. Get out there with your gun, and be sure that you draw fast and shoot first, in self defense.

Are These People Representative Of Most Americans?

To the extent that Kyle Rittenhouse, Curtis Reeves, Travis McMichael and all the Americans who approve of what they did are representative of the American public, then what a cruel, violent, mean, and vicious people we are.

But given the slavery, segregation and lynchings that Americans perpetrated, supported, allowed or turned a blind eye to all these years, why is that a surprise?

— David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

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David Grace
Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 16 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.