Toxic People Always Damage Everyone Around Them

Associating With A Toxic Person Is As Stupid As Hugging A Ball Of Plutonium.


Image by Alexander Antropov from Pixabay

By David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

Lilith Helstrom recently published a column that really resonated with me.

She said something very perceptive — that certain people are toxic to everyone around them, and that by their very nature toxic people will damage everyone who does their bidding.

Everyone who falls into the toxic person’s orbit will eventually be tainted by that association.

A Toxic Person Is Like A Ball Of Plutonium

I started thinking of a toxic person as being analogous to a ball of plutonium.

Plutonium is not toxic to itself, but it damages, sickens and eventually destroys pretty much everything else that comes near it. And the closer you get to it, the more you will be harmed by it.

Plutonium kills people, weakens and destroys physical objects, and infects materials with its radioactivity, making them toxic as well. And, if you gather enough such radioactive materials close enough together and place them under the right pressure, the result will be catastrophic.

A Toxic Person Whose Power Does Not Reach Critical Mass

Jim Jones was a toxic person. A narcissist megalomaniac who gathered hundreds of people around him, infected them with his cult madness, and eventually made them all first kill their own children then kill themselves. Luckily, he did not have enough followers to reach critical mass.

Toxic People Whose Power Does Reach Critical Mass

If the number of followers grows from hundreds to tens of thousands, if the toxic personality’s power grows large enough, that toxic person’s power can eventually poison their entire country.

  • How much did Serbia suffer because of Slobodan Miloševic?
  • What price did Cambodia pay because of Pol Pot?
  • What disasters happened to Iraq because of Saddam Huessein?
  • How massive was the damage to Germany from empowering Hitler?

Stay Far, Far Away From Toxic People

If you have even half a working brain you should be able to figure out that you need to stay completely away from toxic people.

There are sayings that express this truth: Those who lie down with dogs will get up with fleas. He who would sup with the Devil should have a long spoon.

  • Don’t help toxic people.
  • Don’t work for them.
  • Don’t hire them.
  • Don’t do business with them.
  • Don’t associate with them.
  • Don’t support them.
  • Don’t vote for them.

Think of them as radioactive plutonium whose very proximity will poison you.

You can do that.

Recognizing Toxic People

Toxic people are not difficult to recognize. Their hallmark message is promoting

  • hatred of some (usually minority) group and
  • the supposed superiority of some (usually majority) group,
  • rabid appeals to patriotism, and
  • promises of bringing harm to some designated “bad people” disguised as a patriotic show of national strength.

The Toxic Person’s Personality

The toxic individuals themselves are sociopaths on a massive scale whose personalities are marked by obvious dishonesty, megalomania, narcissism, meanness, and a complete lack of empathy.

They are not hard to spot.


If you haven’t yet figured out that Donald Trump is a toxic person, then you are a fool with a small “f.”

If you know that Trump is a toxic person, but you think that supporting him will turn out well for you and your family, then you are Fool with a capital “F.”

Just say, “No.” Keep repeating to yourself:

There is no right way to do the wrong thing.

— David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

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David Grace
Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 16 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.