We Are Like Jews In Berlin In 1930 — We Don’t Want To Believe What’s Coming For Us

Once elected in 2024, by 2028 the now legally immune Donald Trump will have made himself President for Life.


Image by Fran Soto from Pixabay

By David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

I’ve published two columns about the Supreme Court’s Trump v. U.S. decision that granted U.S. Presidents immunity for all crimes even peripherally related to their role as president no matter why they committed that crime.

The Supreme Court has ruled that is now legal for the President to commit

  • murder in aid of taking a bribe,
  • murder in aid of silencing the press,
  • murder in aid of silencing a judge,
  • murder in aid of silencing a senator or representative,
  • murder in aid of silencing an opposition candidate,
  • murder in aid of committing or covering up treason,
  • murder in aid of avoiding impeachment,

if it can be claimed that the killing bears some relationship to the outer perimeter of the President’s duties, including National Security and National Policy, even if the motive for the killing is completely for the President’s personal gain.

And it’s also absolutely legal for the President to pardon all those who actually carried out the crime on his/er behalf.

I know, you’re all sitting there thinking, “It seems like you’re blowing this all out of proportion. Obama wasn’t going to have someone killed. George Bush wasn’t going to sell pardons for money. Jimmy Carter wouldn’t have taken a bribe from a drug cartel in exchange for ordering ICE to allow the cartel to ship in cocaine by the trainload.

But, ask yourself,

  • Would Donald Trump make that cocaine deal with a drug cartel for $10 billion wired to an offshore account?
  • Would Michael Flynn, Ted Cruz, Dick Cheney, Huey Long or Steve Bannon order someone killed if it would make him President for Life?
  • How far would Richard Nixon have gone if he knew he was absolutely immune?

Think for a moment what a sociopathic President, someone who had no conscience but who did have a huge ego and huge greed, would almost certainly do with

  1. Unfettered control of the U.S. government including the military and
  2. A license to steal, imprison and kill.

What’s happened in other countries whose leaders were above the law?

Why do you think Putin is President for Life? Why do you think that there are no Russians who can compete with him in the Russian “elections”? Why do you think that no media publishes material that is critical of his government?

Because Putin is free to have anyone who bothers him arrested, imprisoned, disappeared or killed.

Do you think that the Somosas and Bautistas, the Maos, the Pol Pots, the Stalins, the Idi Amins, the Saddam Husseins are only born in other countries?

Now that a U.S. President is also absolutely free to do whatever he wants, what court can stop him? Sure, a brave enough judge might issue an injunction against some government action, but how would the Court enforce that injunction?

The immune President controls the U.S. Marshals, who protect the judges, the U.S. Attorneys, all of the branches of Federal law enforcement and the states’ national guards. What could a judge do to enforce his/er injunction? Nothing.

What prosecutor is going to try to indict him? What judge is going to rule against him?

Impeachment? What Representatives are going to vote to impeach him? What Senators are going to vote to convict him?

If a judge were going to rule against him, he could easily threaten or, if necessary, disappear that judge.

If the Supreme Court might modify or depublish its immunity ruling, he could accept the resignations of or disappear the Justices who are likely to rule against him and appoint new ones who will vote the way he wants.

Do you really think that sociopaths who would want to become President for Life can’t find the money to get themselves elected? How much would the Russians, the Chinese, the mob, the cartels or corporations pay to get a cooperative, immune sociopath elected?

Donald Trump orchestrated an insurrection to maintain power when he didn’t have immunity. What would he do to keep power once he has immunity? Anything.

And there are lots of people who are both smarter and more sociopathic than Donald Trump.

You can chuckle and say, “Oh Dave, you’re so dramatic. Things like that can’t happen here?

Why not?

There will be nothing and no one with the power or the will to stop a scoundrel President who is above all laws.

Here is what I see happening.

  1. Trump is likely to be elected in November 2024.
  2. He will do whatever he needs to do to become President for Life.
  3. He will see to it that Donald Trump Jr. becomes President after him.

Those people who think they are going to make America great again, meaning a country again run by white, male, straight, Christians according to the rules of the fundamentalist Christian religion are in for a big surprise.

And for every one of you who is not on Trump’s team, you are in the same boat as a Jew living in Berlin in 1930 who keeps telling themselves that it won’t be that bad, that it can’t happen here.

Snicker all you want. Enjoy your blissful freedom while you can. Once Trump is elected, it’s not going to last.

— David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

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David Grace
Government & Political Theory Columns by David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 16 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.