The love for freedom, free housing for cattle

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Govind Milk & Milk Products
2 min readSep 19, 2019

We all love freedom, right? That’s what we believe at Govind. This idea of freedom led us to develop the concept of Loose Housing or Free Housing for the cattle which helps us to provide you with high-quality milk.

When we first started, we realized the demerits of regular farming like high operating cost, the decline in the interest of farmers in dairy farming amongst others. The team of veterinary experts from Govind Milk recognized this problem and conducted extensive research to find a solution. They devised a unique low operational cost concept of Loose or Free Housing. It facilitates the free movement of cattle in a designated area delivering comfort & access to water & feed.

So the real question is what makes it so unique? Well, there is no one answer to this because there are so many things about this technique that makes it unique. For starters, our research showed an area of 250 to 300 sq.ft. is sufficient for each animal so depending upon the number of cattle we demarcate the area with fencing. But keeping in mind the farmers we use low-cost resources already available with them like bamboo, dried branches to name a few. Each barn is strategically placed in a manner that the cattle are protected from the scourging heat either with the help of natural or artificial shade. We meticulously calculated each detail keeping in mind the instinct of an animal to rub his body against some available hard surface at intervals which was taken care of with a brush mounted strategically in the loose house.

The loose Barn has a plethora of benefits which include :

  • Capital investment required is very less compared to the benefits it offers
  • Animal gets to live in a natural environment with some added comforts
  • Leads to a significant increase in milk production
  • Increase in milk quality in terms of FAT, SNF, and low antibiotic residue
  • Reduction in the rate of diseases found in the animals
  • Considerable reduction in labor costs
  • Increased conception rate in animals
  • Easy let down of milk due to comfort in animals

The success of the Loose Barns speaks for itself. At present over 500 of them are operational not only providing the cattle proximity to a natural environment but also providing the farmers with a low cost of operation, thus improving their standards of living. Now you know just one of the many reasons why we call them the ‘Happy Makers’ .

