đź›° Featured Researcher: Aakash Ahamed

Christine Vandevoorde
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2021

Hands down, the best part of my job is getting to talk to scientific researchers. Aakash is no exception!! In addition to pursuing his PhD in Geophysics at Stanford, he and a few colleagues co-founded Water Data Lab to start moving the needle on some of the hardest problems facing global water resources. Check out the Q and A with him below.

Name: Aakash Ahamed

School/department/lab: Stanford / Geophysics / Environmental Geophysics

How would you describe your PhD research to someone you just met at a party?

I use satellite data đź›° to measure hydrologic properties đź’¦ (e.g. evaporation, rain, snow), with the goal of translating those measurements into actionable information through development of models and real-time monitoring systems.

Tell us a funny story about your childhood

I was an inquisitive (and often nonsensical) child! Early on, when my mom was trying to teach me the importance of hygiene in combating germs, I asked, “Do germs have eyes? How do they know where to go?” Unable to answer this question, my mom took me to a lab where I could look at some germs under a microscope. Fostering this child-like curiosity continues to be essential to my development as a scientist and researcher. Some other gems from my childhood include: (1) “I know there is a speed of light, but what’s the speed of darkness?” (2) “I don’t want to live in a world without fish.”

What have you learned (or not learned) about avenues for your research being implemented in decision-making?

In my view, the goal of applied science is to bridge the gap between research and decision making. NASA Application Readiness Levels are a useful guide when considering how to operationalize research.

Tell us a little bit about Water Data Lab! Why did you and your co-founders start it?

Water Data Lab LLC is a data-driven consultancy focused on bringing the best science and technology to address the hardest problems facing global water resources. The co-founders met in the Before Covid (BC) times, over paella and red wine at a hydrology conference in Valencia, Spain. United by a deep concern for the environment, we realized that our complementary skill sets in water data science could help move the needle toward a more sustainable and equitable future. We founded Water Data Lab (http://waterdatalab.com) in early 2021 after we were awarded a data engineering contract in the water quality space.

How can our community support your work?

Climate change affects us all, but has a disproportionate effect on vulnerable populations. All co-founders of Water Data Lab have either earned or are working toward a PhD in geophysics, hydrology, or geology. We take our responsibilities as scientists seriously. Part of that responsibility includes communicating and collaborating with our legislators to bridge the gap between science and policy to create a more equitable climate future for us all. Govrn provides a foundation for bridging that gap.


Thanks Aakash for sharing a bit about your work with us! Can’t wait to see Water Data Lab grow.



Christine Vandevoorde
Editor for

data science for social good + machine learning for climate; M.S. @ NYU Center for Urban Science + Progress