California Super Tuesday ballot. (Robert Couse-Baker/Flickr)

How candidates did in every Super Tuesday state

Gillian Rose Brassil
GovSight Civic Technologies
2 min readMar 5, 2020


Biden had a big night; Bloomberg and Warren bit the dust.

GovSight is still watching results as they come in; please check back for updates.

Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed the most state victories on Super Tuesday, sweeping the South while Senator Bernie Sanders stole his home turf of Vermont and the West.

Senator Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the race Thursday, declining to endorse a candidate for now. Former Mayor of New York City Mike Bloomberg suspended his campaign Wednesday after a weak showing, endorsing Biden on his way out. This follows a string of candidates bidding adieu and boasting Biden: former Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy Klobuchar backed the former V.P. on Monday.


A third of all delegates were allocated based off of Super Tuesday results. Here’s where candidates stand so far:

Candidates need to clinch 1,991 delegates to earn the nomination.

State and territory overalls

Here is where the vote stands now, as results continue to pour in. The 14 states are in alphabetical order — if the results include delegates alignments, that is the final update for said election. Bloomberg claimed four delegates from American Samoa; Representative Tulsi Gabbard earned two.

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