5 Reasons to Use a Project Manager For Your Next IT Project

James White
Go Wombat
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2018

As a business owner or executive, you now have the wonderful task of getting your new website, mobile application, CRM / ERP / SCADA system or IoT project started and completed. Maybe you know about technology, maybe you don’t. Either way, trying to act as a Project Manager for this task is just more than you should be doing. You’re already a busy profession and you have other important matters that require your time and energy. Here are 5 important reasons to use a PM for your project instead of trying to do it yourself.

1. A PM is a professional that does this job all the time

Like you, a PM is a professional that knows his job well. He knows what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and how it needs to be done. He knows how to control the whole process to keep your project running smoothly and on time.

2. Your time is more valuably spent on other issues

As a business professional, you have a lot on your plate. If you’re a startup or small company, then it’s even worse. Now you’re wearing all of the hats, from marketing to designing to even being the janitor. You take care of the things you know how to do and let the PM take care of the project for you.

3. It doesn’t cost extra at Go Wombat Team

Some companies charge extra for the PM and QA testing. At Go Wombat Team we do not. We believe that this is an integral part of the process and therefore should not be consider as something on the side like you’d find at a lunch buffet.

4. The PM bridges the Tech language, Language Barrier

Each industry has its own lingo. Many times, as with all professions, people don’t communicate well or understand what’s going on because industry specific lingo gets in the way of proper communication. A PM has the experience of talking with non-technical people and has the ability to make things very understandable so as to keep miscommunications and misunderstands at a minimum. This keeps the frustration level down, because you already have enough frustrations from other areas of your job.

5. A PM can look at a project from a business perspective and offer relevant solutions.

A PM has much experience. Not only does he know about technology and programming languages, but he also knows about businesses. Why? Because he works with different businesses everyday from different industries. The PM can give you different perspectives and ideas about your project and help you to come up with the best and most relevant solutions for your needs.

If you’re looking to start your new project now and you’re not exactly sure of where to start, let one of our project managers at Go Wombat Team help you. Not only do we consider the PM essential during the project, but they are also invaluable in the pre-project planning stage. That’s why we offer 1 hour of free consultation before the project starts to help you get what you want and what you need.

