Measure twice, cut once. Measure once, cut twice. Advice for new startups.

James White
Go Wombat
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2018

How not to spoil your startup. You may find our advice reasonable.

With the new year coming many ambitious entrepreneurs are planning their new start-ups. 2019 will be a new year of expansion and dreams come true. Many of the new startups will be from seasoned business people who simply want to do something new or go out on their own. Others will be creations of people who simply have a dream and desire to own their own business, be their own boss and build something for them and their families.

In all of the excitement and hurry there are many things that can be missed in both planning and execution. In today’s world business just doesn’t work without having the technology that drives it. So, many new companies are based on web and app usage, and those that aren’t definitely need these to make their startups successful. We all know that it’s faster, better and less expensive to do the job right the first time rather than having to do it again, and again, and again. As my dad always said when I was growing up, “Measure twice, cut once. Measure once, cut twice.”

When it comes to having websites and mobile apps, most people have no idea what is what when it comes to the technologies and languages used to create them. Many people decide to just go to a DYI site and make their own. Perhaps they use Weebly, Wix, WordPress, or other drag and drop style of creation. The truth is, if you simply need a very simple website that shows your company exists and you want to promote it, it’s fine to use this. However, if you have greater needs, such as booking, log-in’s, private rooms, you’re using IoT and many other more complicated things you really need a website or mobile app created by a profession company like Go Wombat Team.

Many times, people think that just getting a freelancer to do a quick job is good enough and less expensive. This is often far from the truth. If and when something isn’t right or there is an additional need, who do you turn to? Again, using a reputable company like Go Wombat Team allows you to have a constant point of contact, additional assistance when need, scalability for a project and the ability to get professional advice about how to build what you need with the explanations of why that is the best way.

So, as you’re preparing to invest into something great, something amazing, something that completely reflects you, your new business, consider how you’re going to start it off. Will you just try to piece things together or will you start with a team that will help you build it right and strong from the bottom up? Contact us at Go Wombat Team so we can talk with you and give you real and solid advice before you make your decisions.

