A cyclist’s view of 14th Street in Midtown. (Trevor Young/GPB News)

What Moves Me?


Trevor Young
What Moves You, Georgia
2 min readOct 6, 2015


Yes, we have a lot of cars in Atlanta. But something is missing; a key element found in great cities like Amsterdam and New York.

Where are the bicycles? The bike is a beloved staple, and a necessity for whisking citizens to and from their daily business.

I was baffled to find out that many Atlantans don’t share my nostalgic love for that two-wheeled joy machine. Alas, the stigma surrounding bike culture is real, and the controversy makes for a hot mess in Atlanta.

I would think it to be a no-brainer when choosing between driving in dead-stop traffic and (safely) bicycling through your daily trips. The benefits to physical and emotional health are substantial. And of course, there’s no doubt that replacing cars with bicycles would reduce our carbon footprint by heaps.

So why the bad blood? Well, any driver who has confronted a cyclist will know why the animosity endures. They’re slow, sure. But if we can incorporate bikes into the flow of metropolitan life, we’ll be better off.

We’re moving there, but we still have a lot of problems. The roads are crumbling, bike lanes are poorly placed and drivers don’t have the signage or visual cues to remind them of their slower companions on the road.

But if you want to see improvement, you’re not alone. A radio story exploring the culture and feasibility of bicycles in Atlanta will be included in our series What Moves You, Georgia on GPB the week of October 19.

So here I am, taking the plunge and commuting to work on my bike. If you ever want to do this, be wary. The journey is not for the faint of heart.


