Published in
4 min readJul 17, 2021


Claim your Delegated Address(es) (your THETA wallet address(es)) on using the THETA web wallet.

On GPooL you can claim ownership of your address(es) (the one(s) you delegated / staked from) on your dashboard, We have over 13,500 addresses all using our summary. We need to know which one of those is your address(es) so we can track your rewards for you.

Your rewards are given to you on the blockchain without GPooL getting them. Staking and the rewards are all done in your wallet. The GPooL account and website is just to help you track your rewards. Once you have claimed your address(es) you will receive a delegation tile(s) on your dashboard with your address(es) on it. We can then pull the data off the blockchain for your address(es) & show you a reward history on the dashboard. Your history begins once you claim.

Note: You only need to claim a THETA wallet address once. If you have already claimed it previously for your THETA stake & are now staking TFUEL with the same address no need to claim again. If you are Staking THETA & TFUEL with separate addresses then claim the THETA wallet address(es) for THETA & TFUEL in separate claim transactions.***

The Claim transaction (tx) costs 0.3 TFuel to send + a fraction of TFUEL to claim. Have 0.4 TFuel in your available wallet balance before beginning.***

Open your THETA web wallet (using your private key, mnemonic or keystore)

Note: when entering your private key, mnemonic or keystore, it is best practice to turn the wifi / internet off on your device before entering your private wallet access details (private key, mnemonic or keystore).***

Turn off Internet

Enter (private key, mnemonic or keystore)

Enter wallet password

Click Unlock Wallet

Turn On Internet

Click Continue

Click Copy to clipboard icon inside your wallet.

Logon to GPooL

Click Theta

Enter your email then Enter your password

Click LOG IN

Click Dashboard

Paste your THETA wallet address into the Claim Your Delegated Address box.


The below screen we will come back to…

Go back to your THETA wallet.

Click Send

Click arrow

Click TFuel

On Copy TFUEL Amount (blue) & Paste into wallet. Copy Address (green) & Paste into wallet.

Click Send

Enter wallet password

Click Confirm & Send

As soon as the Claim Your Delegated Address tx has completed. On Your THETA or TFUEL Delegation is visible under your Dashboard tab. In this example we see a THETA Delegation was claimed & can be seen on the dashboard.

Dashboard Main Items, Overview

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