Published in
10 min readJan 13, 2022


Ledger Nano Guide #2

This Guide will cover the following:

1). Add Theta Mainnet to MetaMask (MM) via Add Network.

2.) Add TBILL to (MM) via Token Contract Address (Theta Mainnet)

3). Swap TFUEL for TBILL on ThetaSwap

4). Enter the TFUEL/TBILL (50/50) liquidity Pool on ThetaSwap

Note: Ledger Configuration, Previously we changed our ‘Preffered Ledger Connection Type’ in MetaMask from Ledger Live to WebHID. No need for the Ledger Live App to be open anymore. We also have Blind Signing Enabled on our Ledger Nano device, if needed reference Ledger Nano Guide #1

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Open Chrome Browser on your Mac or PC

Click MetaMask Extension icon

Enter Password

Click Unlock

1). Click Arrow for Network drop down menu

Click Add Network

Copy & Paste the text in Bold into Metamask

Network Name: Theta Mainnet


Chain ID: 361

Currency Symbol: TFUEL

Block Explorer URL:

Click Save

“Theta Mainnet” was successfully added!

Click Arrow for Networks drop down menu

You can now easily switch between Theta Mainnet & Ethereum Mainnet for your Ledger Cold wallet address.

Click Dismiss

2). Click Import tokens

Add TBILL Token Contract Address into Metamask, 0x22cb20636c2d853de2b140c2eaddbfd6c3643a39 (Copy & Paste)

Click Add Custom Token

Click Import Tokens

Click <

Now is a good time to send some TFUEL to your (MM) Ledger Cold wallet address from an existing THETA wallet. Later in the guide we will swap TFUEL for TBILL on prior to entering the TFUEL/TBILL liquidity Pool.*

Click Copy Address to Clipboard icon.

Open your THETA wallet and Send TFUEL from your THETA wallet to your (MM) Ledger Cold wallet address (that was copied to your clipboard).

The TFUEL has been received, it’s now time to swap TFUEL for TBILL.

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3. Swap TFUEL for TBILL on ThetaSwap

Click ThetaSwap

Click Connect Wallet

Click Connect Now

Select the Ledger wallet address you want to connect with.

Click Next

Click Connect

Note: We will enter the TFUEL/TBILL 50/50 liquidity Pool (LP) later. An equal value of each side of the (LP) will be required to enter it. In this example we will swap 50% of our available TFUEL balance for TBILL.*

Enter An Amount of TFUEL you wish to swap for TBILL.

Note: The 1st Time an individual wallet address interacts with any Token Swap on you must first Allow the Token. You only need to do this once per individual token from the same wallet address.*

Click Allow TFUEL

Remember we are now using WebHID as our ‘Preffered Ledger Connection Type’ in MetaMask. No need for the Ledger Live App to be open anymore. We also have Blind Signing Enabled on our Ledger Nano device. If not already connected..

Connect your Ledger Nano Device to your computer.

Enter PIN on device, then..

Push Both Buttons Simultaneously

Push Both Buttons Simultaneously

Application is ready..

Click Confirm

We now need to confirm on the Ledger Nano device.

Push Button on Nano device.

Push Button on Nano device.

Push Button on Nano device (Blind Signing on device shows it is Enabled)*.

Push Button on Nano Device.

Push Button on Nano Device.

Push Button on Nano Device. (Network 361 on device is Theta Mainnet)*

Push Button on Nano Device. (Max Fees on device is TFUEL)*

Push both buttons on Nano device simultaneously.

Approve Token TFUEL Transaction Is Finalized!

Click Swap

Click Confirm Swap

Click Confirm

We now need to confirm this transaction in the Ledger Nano device.

Push button on Nano device.

Push button on Nano device.

Push button on Nano device. (Blind Signing on device shows it is Enabled)*.

Push button on Nano device. (Amount on device screen is TFUEL)*.

Push button on Nano device.

Push button on Nano device. (Network 361 on device is Theta Mainnet)*

Push button on Nano device. (Max Fees on device is TFUEL)*

Push both buttons simultaneously on Nano device.

Swap TFUEL For TBILL Transaction Is Finalized!

Let’s also check the TFUEL and TBILL balances in our MetaMask.

Click MetaMask Extension icon

Click Assets

Everything looks good, let’s go to the TFUEL/TBILL liquidity Pool.

Click Pool

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4. Enter the TFUEL/TBILL (50/50) liquidity Pool on ThetaSwap

Click Add Liquidity

Click Select A Token


Enter Values (you can do this manually or Click the Max button.)

Note: In the below example it shows that the ‘TBILL Balance is too low’ in relation to the amount /value of the TFUEL input. To rectify the issue we lower the TFUEL input amount. As you can only enter the 50/50 liquidity Pool with an equal value of TFUEL and TBILL.*

Click Allow TBILL

Remember we are now using WebHID as our ‘Preffered Ledger Connection Type’ in MetaMask. No need for the Ledger Live App to be open anymore. We also have Blind Signing Enabled on our Ledger Nano device. If not already connected..

Connect your Ledger Nano Device to your computer.

Enter PIN on device, then..

Push Both Buttons Simultaneously

Push Both Buttons Simultaneously

Application is ready..

Click Confirm

Now we go back to the Ledger Nano Device.

Push button on Nano device.

Push button on Nano device.

Push button on Nano device. (Blind Signing on device shows it is Enabled)*.

Push button on Nano device.

Push button on Nano device.

Push button on Nano device. (Network 361 on device is Theta Mainnet)*

Push button on Nano device. (Max Fees on device is TFUEL)*

Push both buttons simultaneously on Nano device.

Your Authorization Is Now Being Processed

Approve Token TBILL Transaction Is Finalized!

Click Supply

Click Confirm Supply

Remember we are now using WebHID as our ‘Preffered Ledger Connection Type’ in MetaMask. No need for the Ledger Live App to be open anymore. We also have Blind Signing Enabled on our Ledger Nano device. If not already connected..

Connect your Ledger Nano Device to your computer.

Enter PIN on device, then..

Push Both Buttons Simultaneously

Push Both Buttons Simultaneously

Application is ready..

Click Confirm

Now we go back to the Ledger Nano Device.

Push button on Nano device.

Push button on Nano device.

Push button on Nano device. (Blind Signing on device shows it is Enabled)*.

Push button on Nano device. (Amount on device screen is TFUEL)*.

Push button on Nano device. (Network 361 on device is Theta Mainnet)*

Push button on Nano device. (Max Fees on device is TFUEL)*

Push both buttons simultaneously on Nano device.

Add TFUEL And TBILL Transaction Is Finalized!

Click PooL

Click Manage

Add or Remove Liquidity

If not already seen, Ledger Nano Guide #1

Next Step, Activate Liquidity Pool Staking, Ledger Nano Guide #3

Remove Liquidity TFUEL/TBILL, Ledger Nano Guide #4

If you haven’t seen our TBILL Medium article, click the article link to read!

Cheers All, GPooL 🍾










