Published in
6 min readJul 23, 2022


MetaMask Guide #2 — Add Liquidity gNOTE/TBILL Liquidity Pool (LP).

Navigate to ThetaSwap

Click Connect Wallet

Click Connect Now

Enter Wallet Password

Click Unlock

MM wallet is now successfully connected..

Click Add Liquidity

Next we are going to select the required pair of gNOTE and TBILL Tokens..

Click TFUEL icon

Click gNOTE

Click Select A Token


We now have selected the required pair of gNOTE & TBILL. Next step is to input the values of liquidity to add. gNOTE/TBILL LP requires an equal value on each side of the pairing as it is a 50/50 ratio liquidity Pool.

In this example we will use the Max button to add the maximum amount of gNOTE. The matching value amount of TBILL will automatically be calculated and populated on screen. If we have the required amount of TBILL to match our gNOTE value we can continue without adjusting the values. Values can be adjusted using the arrow button if that is required.*

Click Max

We have the required value in TBILL to match our gNOTE value and may continue without adjusting the values.

Next step is to give permission for the smart contract to interact with gNOTE. For all new smart contracts & their corresponding token interactions, this step is required. The next time the same wallet address has the same gNOTE interaction with the same smart contract, the allow step will NOT be required. As smart contract interaction will already have been granted previously for gNOTE.*

Click Allow GNOTE

Click Confirm

“Your Authorization Is Now Being Processed”

“Approve Token GNOTE Transaction Is Finalized”.

Next step is to give permission for the smart contract to interact with TBILL. For all new smart contracts & their corresponding token interactions, this step is required. The next time the same wallet address has a similar TBILL interaction with the same smart contract, the allow step will NOT be required. As smart contract interaction will already have been granted previously for TBILL.*

Click Allow TBILL

Click Confirm

“Your Authorization Is Now Being Processed”

“Approve Token TBILL Transaction Is Finalized!”

Click Supply

Click Confirm Supply

“Your Transaction Is Now Being Processed”.

“Add GNOTE And TBILL Transaction Is Finalized!”

Click Pool

Click Manage

Please Note what is displayed..

Your pool share: in % terms.

Your total pool tokens: These are your gNOTE/TBILL LP Tokens.

Pooled gNOTE: This is 50% of the above LP Tokens.

Pooled TBILL: This is the other 50% of the above LP Tokens.

You may Add to or Remove from your liquidity position by clicking Add or Remove buttons seen below.

Next we will check that our gNOTE/TBILL liquidity Pool tokens are also in MetaMask (MM). Remembering that in MM Guide #1 of this guide series, we changed UNI-V2 Token Symbol to display in MM as gNOTE/TBILL.

Click MetaMask icon

Click Assets

We can see the corresponding representation of our gNOTE/TBILL Liquidity Pool Tokens are now under Assets in MM. If you did NOT change the naming of the Token Symbol as set out in Guide#1, it will display as UNI-V2.*

Congratulations! You have successfully added liquidity to the gNOTE/ TBILL liquidity Pool. 🍾

Liquidity providers earn a 0.3% fee on all trades proportional to their share of the pool. Fees are added to the pool, accrue in real time and can be claimed by withdrawing your liquidity.

However, to start earning the Static 50% APR we need to Activate Liquidity Pool (LP) Staking.

Please Note: For those who are currently participating in TFUEL/TBILL LP Staking and enter the gNOTE/TBILL LP with the same wallet address. In this scenario there is NO need to activate LP staking for gNOTE/TBILL. As the previous activation negates the need to do so again.**

Next Step, Activate Liquidity Pool Staking..


Related Resources for further Reading..

Cheers All,

GWorld 🍾










