Published in
5 min readJul 23, 2022


MetaMask Guide #3, Activate gNOTE/TBILL Liquidity Pool (LP) Staking.

At this point the gNOTE/TBILL LP has already been entered into @ ThetaSwap, as seen below.

Note: Liquidity Providers earn a 0.3% fee on all trades proportional to their share of the pool. Fees are added to the pool, accrue in real time and can be claimed by withdrawing your liquidity.

To start earning the Static 50% APR we need to Activate gNOTE/TBILL Liquidity Pool (LP) Staking on*

Next Step, Activate gNOTE/TBILL Liquidity Pool Staking..

Navigate to

Click Staking

Click Connect Wallet

Click Next

Click Connect

Click ON

Click Confirm

“ says activation pending”

Click OK

Activate LP Staking is now ON.

  • * Stats are delayed up to 20 minutes.
  • Please note: As you are waiting you will notice your MY STATS will partially fill. This is normal. The activation happens in 3 stages, not activated, partially activated & fully activated.

MYSTATS Not Activated..

MYSTATS Partially Activated..

The waiting period has now elapsed,

The full data for MY STATS has populated.

FYI: You may check the Pool page on ThetaSwap to see corresponding, Pooled gNOTE & TBILL values.

Please Note: If you Add or Remove liquidity on ThetaSwap. Allow 20mins for My Stats to reflect the updated status fully on *

gNOTE/TBILL LP Staking Reward Issuance In: TBILL

Reward Issuance Schedule & Time: Daily (01:00) UTC — (sent to wallets).*

Note: Download CSV (rewards) seen below.


Compounding TBILL Rewards.

To fully Compound LP Staking Rewards to earn extra APY.

You can do so by taking your daily TBILL rewards & matching them with an equal value of gNOTE & then Add Liquidity on . Once done it will automatically reflect in your LP Staking Position on ThetaSwap (it may take up to 20mins to fully reflect on*. This method done daily will achieve 64.82% APY.

To Partially Compound your LP Staking Rewards to earn extra APY.

Alternatively you can Swap 50% of your TBILL rewards for gNOTE on & then Add Liquidity on . Once done it will automatically reflect in your LP Staking Position on ThetaSwap (it may take up to 20mins to fully reflect on*.

Alternatively, some may wish to Swap 100% of their TBILL rewards for TFUEL which can also be done on

If you want to Exit your LP Staking Position Completely. You simply Remove your entire Liquidity position on (it may take up to 20mins to fully reflect on*

Alternatively you may also Partially remove liquidity on & still remain ACTIVE in LP Staking (it may take up to 20mins to fully reflect on*


Please Note: The wallet represented in this guide is on the standard Static 50% APR. The standard 50% APR is denoted by the 1x as shown below.

FYI — gNOTE will always be on the 1x (static 50% APR).

TBILL however can have NFT Multipliers (TBILLX) applied to it that will increase its APR. TBILL NFT Multipliers can be earned. The right to mint TBILL NFT Multipliers (TBILLX) is a temporal component that incentivizes time spent in Liquidity Pool Staking.

Alternatively TBILL NFT Multipliers (TBILLX) can be bought or sold on the secondary market.

FYI: If you obtain TBILLX from the secondary market, allow 20mins for the TBILL NFT Multiplier to be fully activated for your LP Staking on The activation happens in 3 stages, not activated, partially activated & fully activated.

New to TBILLX ? — further reading below..

New to TBILL? — further reading below..


The next guide in this series..


Related Resources for further Reading..

Cheers All,

GWorld 🍾










Twitter (TBILL)

