Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2021


Withdraw TFuel Stake from Platinum Elite Edge Node (EEN) using the THETA Web Wallet.

Note: the Withdraw TFuel Stake tx will cost .03 TFuel. Have at least .03 TFuel in your available TFuel wallet balance before beginning.**

Logon to

Click TFuel

Enter your email & your password, then Click LOG IN

Click Dashboard

On your Dashboard Scroll Down to your TFUEL Delegation Tile(s)

Click the Blue Arrow of the Delegation Tile you wish to unstake from. It will spin around & say UNSTAKE on the back.

Click UNSTAKE — this will reveal your EEN’s Holder address used for unstaking TFUEL with your THETA web wallet.

Click COPY

Open your THETA web wallet (using your private key, mnemonic or keystore)

Click Stakes

Click Withdraw Stake

Click Edge Node

Click Continue

Paste Edge Node Address (Holder) copied from GPooL

Click Withdraw Stake (0.3 TFuel in available wallet balance to pay tx fee)*

Enter your wallet password to sign this transaction

Click Confirm & Withdraw Stake

Your Withdrawn TFuel Stake can be seen under the stakes tab in your wallet. Return Height is a future block number when your TFuel will return to your available TFuel balance in your wallet. Block Cool Down lasts 28,800 blocks or 51 hrs approx as block production time fluctuates. To see the current block height,

On when you withdraw your TFuel stake you will automatically have a TFUEL Cool Down Tile on your Dashboard. On the front it tells you the EEN’s address you are unstaking from. It counts down from 28.8k blocks to 0. It also tells you in days & hours when your TFuel block cool down will end.

You can also Click on the Blue Arrow on the front of TFUEL Cool Down Tile, it spins around to show your THETA wallet address on the back.

Click on your wallet address, it takes you to your address on the Theta block explorer.

It shows your address has a pending stake withdraw. It will remain pending till block cool down (28.8k blocks) ends. At which point your TFUEL will appear under your available TFUEL balance in your THETA wallet.

Notice: Export Transaction History (CSV) available for @youraddress on *

Cheers All,


