Genesis Pool’s 10th IDO: Oracula — DeFi Prediction markets the way you’ve never played before

An entertainment DeFi platform where you can bet on sports, esports, crypto and much more

Genesis Pool (GPool)
4 min readJan 24, 2022


Genesis Pool (GPool), the decentralized launchpad ecosystem, is excited to announce its tenth IDO: Oracula — Win, earn, farm and get NFT bonuses all the way. Take part in prediction events with the purpose of making profit, leveraging your knowledge in almost any imaginable field.

Following 10 successful IDO’s in 2021, Genesis Pool is gearing up for an even bigger year in 2022. Staking, partnerships and a very long list of IDOs. Once rewards begin being distributed via Genesis Pool’s proprietary staking platform and marketing brings the necessary visibility to the ecosystem, 2022 is on track to be the year where Genesis Pool begins causing major rifts in the current launchpad marketplace, placing itself as a top contender in the field.

Genesis Pool Seed Rounds

Since its inception, Genesis Pool has proudly argued against mainstream seed investors, Venture Capitals and major whales. These types of investors predictably prioritize short term monetary gains, at the expense of long term retail holders, as well as the overall long term growth of the project.

Through the Oracula IDO, Genesis Pool has secured a seed round of funding for the OG community. In this extraordinary case, the round will be allocated to retail investors, giving the average investor the opportunity to become involved with a promising project from the very beginning, therefore translating into a unique investment opportunity for long term growth.

Oracula has allocated its seed round of funding — $360,000 to Genesis Pool. Additionally, 1.5% of their supply will be allocated to the upcoming staking platform.

Oracula — DeFi Prediction markets the way you’ve never played before

Oracula stands as an entertainment DeFi platform where you can bet on sports, esports, crypto and much more while experiencing live versions of the event via forecasting. Users can make live, in-play predictions about an event outcome.

Prediction markets were touted as one of the optimal blockchain use cases. They were created for the purpose of making predictions or benefiting from correct predictions. In this area high-qualified traders predict in-real world events with the usage of their brilliant blockchain knowledge.

Oracula intuitively allows users to make predictions on events happening all around the world in real time. With such a widespread use case, it’s safe to say investors from all walks of crypto investing will be interested in participating in the ecosystem.

Make sure to follow both projects on all social media accounts to stay up to date with IDO updates!


Seed 8%: 4,000,000 @ $0.1 10% unlocked at TGE, 14 day cliff, followed by linear vesting for 9 months

Private 10%: 5,000,000 @ $0.15 12% unlocked at TGE, 10 day cliff, followed by linear vesting for 8 months

Public 4%: 2,000,000 @ $0,17 13% unlocked at TGE, followed by linear vesting for 5 months

Marketing — Rewards 19.5%: 9,750,000 vested for 12 months

Team 10.6%: 5,300,000 locked for 12 months, then vested for 24 months

Liquidity 2%: 1,000,000

Dev fund 12%: 6,000,000 Vested for 24 months

Advisors 4,9%: 2,450,000 6 months cliff followed by 12 month vesting

Farming/Staking 29%: 14,500,000 Vested for 24 months

Listing: $0,2 (PancakeSwap)

Sale Details

  • Target Raise: $360,000
  • Price per token: $0,1
  • Allocation amount: $500-$1000
  • Allocation Type: Seed Round
  • Vesting Period: 10% unlocked at TGE, 14 day cliff, followed by linear vesting for 9 months


25th January 15:00 PM UTC: Internal AMA (AMA in the GPool Telegram group with the Oracula team)

26th January 12:00 AM UTC: Whitelist opens

27th January 12:00 AM UTC: Whitelist closes

28th January 12:00 AM UTC: Round 1 starts

29th January 06:00 AM UTC: Round 1 ends

29th January 12:00 AM UTC: Round 2 Whitelist open

30th January 06:00 AM UTC: Round 2 Whitelist close

31st January 12:00 AM UTC: Round 2 starts

1st February 06:00 AM UTC: Round 2 ends

Whitelisting will take place through the GPool website and further details will be released on how to participate.

Oracula — the future of crypto-based predictions?

Oracula’s proprietary tech allows it to stand out from the competition, prioritizing safety and transparency at every step of the platform’s user journey.

Oracula’s key components are the following:

  • Livestreams & Live Video Events
  • Virtual Events, Promotions & Giveaways
  • Liquidity Provisioning & Rewards for LPs
  • Use $ORACULA to create/supervise Markets
  • Use $ORACULA for making bets
  • Mine $ORACULA by providing liquidity to Oracula
  • Yield Farm $ORACULA
  • Governance

“We fully understand that the idea of a prediction marketplace is not new, and many examples have had as many failures as successes. The lack of scalability, incentives for daily active use, and good blockchain and design experts have been the main factors why prediction markets have never been in such demand.

Now, things have changed dramatically and we will be one of the first prediction markets that will definitely succeed. We’ve put a lot of effort and coped with many challenges to effectively implement into the market the most useful prediction tool with forecasting experts in order to beneficially aggregate the beliefs over a future outcome.”

— Oracula team

Follow Oracula: Twitter | Website

