Genesis Staking is Live

The long-awaited Staking Platform is here and we have all the information you need to get the most out of it

Genesis Pool (GPool)
3 min readMay 18, 2022



Genesis Pool aspires to transform and decentralize the launchpad industry as a whole. After establishing ourselves as one of the most innovative and rapidly expanding launchpad platforms, we are eager to expand further. GPool has now added a decentralized governance process that allows all stakeholders to participate in the future development and growth of the platform.

We are incredibly excited to announce that the staking platform is now live and accessible at

For those who haven’t skated before, please jump on and claim your share of the massive rewards on offer. Staking your tokens for the first time now incurs a much lower Gas fee. Please be aware that when you first stake your tokens, it can take up to two minutes for the member class and staked amount to appear.

The amount of rewards you receive is calculated hourly based on the amount you stake and the member class you hold. To claim more of the reward pool, stake your tokens for 100+ days, and you will receive your Gold GPass, entitling you to 3x the rewards!

For those of you who have already staked your GPool tokens, the following applies:

  • You will not be required to re-stake your tokens,
  • Your member class has been retained,
  • and your existing rewards have been transferred to the newly updated platform.
  • The new rewards will start distributing from 19th May

The new staking platform also calculates the APR differently than before. The APR displayed next to each token indicates your expected rewards for that token compared to the value you staked. As you receive rewards from multiple tokens, your actual APR is the combined sum of all the tokens. Shortly we plan to incorporate a calculator that will allow you to see what APR you will receive if you increase or decrease your stake. It is worth pointing out that as people join or leave the reward pool, the number of rewards you receive will also change. It is impossible to predict when people will join or leave the reward pool, so the actual APR is a fluid number that only indicates the present reward pool status.

It is great to finally announce this long-awaited update, and it is only the start of many more exciting announcements we have planned. Over the coming weeks, we will provide more information on the following:

  • The launch of our V1.0 IDO Governance system
  • A series of promising IDOs we need you all to vote on to be eligible (or not) to do a raise
  • Some new staff members who will be joining the GPool team
  • New IDOs to invest in that the community has voted on!

We will also be releasing a new GPool roadmap shortly to spell out our transition to a fully community-driven DAO.

For further information please register your email on our website for all future whitelistings and updates.

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